Help page for international staff

The International Staff Mobility Office (ISMO) at the University of Oslo supports international staff, PhD candidates, guest researchers and their families in all practical relocation issues. Check out their usefull support web site or get in touch with them.

The FAQ below aims to answer the questions asked by many new staff and students. If you have an unanswered question - or an answer which isn't here yet! - please let us know.

I am an foreigner. How do I cope with insurance/taxes/living costs/working permit/national ID number etc.?

Here is a guide of how to proceed to get a Norwegian Tax Card, and a work- and residence permit to Norway. Also; the International Office at the University of Oslo provides you with the relevant information for both students and guest researchers.

How can I get a place to stay?
The University currently has an arrangement with the SiO ("Studentsamskipnaden i Oslo", a student organization supported by the University of Oslo) on housing for students and guest researchers. Information for students and guest researchers. Also check the private accommodation bulletin board.

What is the content of a standard Tenancy agreement?
A standard Tenancy agreement (an agreement that regulates the tenant's and the landlord's rights and obligations in the tenancy) in English can be found here:

Norwegian for international researchers
These courses from the University are designed for employees and researchers of the University of Oslo who would like to learn Norwegian, but do not necessarily need it for their work. Read more.

Welcome breakfast
The University regularly hosts welcome breakfasts for new international researchers. Find the next breakfast.

What can the University provide of sports?
Follow this link.

I want to know more about Norway/Oslo/the University of Oslo!
Have a look at these links: Norway in Wikipedia, Oslo in Wikipedia, the University's web page on Student Life in Norway and the Official Visit Oslo website.

Where can I see the polar bears in Norway?
See them at The University Centre in Svalbard.

Published Oct. 13, 2016 3:19 PM - Last modified Dec. 13, 2021 8:22 PM