PES funding - PES Horizon Europe at UiO

"PES Horisont Europa Rammebevilgning" is strategic funding from the Research Council to strengthen Norwegian participation and improve returns in the form of project funding under Horizon Europe.

As the Research Council's allocation for 2023-2024 to UiO has been further decreased compared to the previous period, there will be future changes to the PES Horizon Europe funding system at UiO. Information will be updated here when conclusions have been reached.

PES Horizon Europe includes  funding for a wide range of possible funded activities. UiO will use this funding to stimulate to increased participation in Horizon Europe through several initiatives.

The UiO-PES Horizon Europe funding (PES) is administered as a block grant allocation by the UiO's central EU-office at the Department Research and Innovation Administration, and will be allocated according to the following principles:

  • Special funding to ERC proposals: PES ERC
  • Special funding to EU-proposals with UiO as the coordinating institution: PES Coordinator
  • Block funding to the units, based on the number of applications submitted to EU: PES Framework
  • Funding for competence building activities on Horizon Europe, primarily for research support staff: PES Competence


UiO-PES Horizon Europe to stimulate increased participation


PES ERC will be granted to all ERC applications where UiO is host for the project. Flat rate of 50 000 NOK per proposal. The units will be expected to cover ERC proposal expences in advance, and funding will be disbursed by the EU-office to the units based on the number of ERC proposals registered in the Commission's online application system. PES ERC will be distributed automatically by the end of the year and does not require any PES application.

PES Coordinator

PES Coordinator will be granted to all coordinator proposals within thematic calls where UiO is hosting the project. PES Coordinator releases a flat rate grant of 50 000 NOK per submitted project proposal. The units will be expected to cover coordinator proposal expences in advance. PES Coordinator does not require a PES application, and will be distributed automatically to the host department by the end of the year based on the number of submitted proposals registered in the Commission's online application system.

In case of need for further support, applicants may apply for Additional PES Coordinator funding up to 100 000 NOK per project proposal, depending on the scale of proposal preparation and size of the project. This means that a Coordinator proposal may release total PES Coordinator funding up to 150 000 NOK.

For MSCA DN coordinator proposals, Additional PES Coordinator funding up to 25 000 NOK can be allotted, based on application. This means that a MSCA  DN Coordinator proposal may release total PES Coordinator funding up to 75 000 NOK.


Taking on the role as coordinator of a large project is a demanding task, and the proposal planning should be started before the given call is opened. Hence the PES application should be sent as early as possible, preferably by opening of the call.

Final deadline for Additional PES Coordinator funding is two (2) months before the deadline of the relevant call. Applications for Additional PES Coordinator funding received after this deadline can not expect to be fully allotted. Funding is based on a specific application form for Additional PES Coordinator funding which includes a short description and budget for the activities planned.

The application must include approval from the Head of Department.

Additional PES Coordinator funding for resubmission of proposals for Horizon Europe is in general not considered. These proposals will, however, still receive the basic PES Coordinator with a flat rate of 50 000 NOK per submitted proposal.

PES for other EU initiatives

For EU programs outside the Horizon Europe, "Additional PES Coordinator Funding" may be requested to prepare applications where UiO is coordinator for the following programs if the given call receives funding from Horizon Europe and where Norway participates:

  • Active and Assisted Living Program (AAL)
  • Joint Technology Initiatives (JTI)
  • COST (creation of new network)
  • Calls for ERA-NET or JPIs if these are part-financed from Horizon Europe.

Other EU initiatives than those mentioned here are not supported by PES funds.

For these calls, an "Additional PES Coordinator Funding" application must be submitted no later than 2 months before the application deadline and the maximum PES is 75 000 NOK.

  • Application Deadline: 2 months before EU call deadline
  • Application Form for Additional PES Coordinator funding
  • The application should sent to
  • Reporting: Funds will only be released upon reporting of actual costs
  • EU proposal must be registered as eligible to release Additional PES Coordinator Funds

PES Framework

PES Framework will be granted to all Horizon Europe applications at UiO, excluding Coordinator- and ERC project proposals. Block funding will be distributed by the EU-office to the units based on Horizon Europe proposals registered in the Commission's online application system. PES Framework will be distributed automatically by the end of the year and does not require any PES application.


UiO-PES Horizon Europe to support competence building

PES Competence

PES Competence is funding for activities to build competence for administrative and scientific personnel, with a goal of achieving specific knowledge related to Horizon Europe proposals and/or running of Horizon Europe projects. This includes activities such as seminars, workshops and more. PES Competence is not for general positioning towards networks, general seminar activities etc, the activities must be related to specific Horizon Europe knowledge building. PES Competence is generally only considered for group activities, not to individual competence building.

PES Competence is primarily directed towards competence building activities for support staff and/or academics initiated by EU unit support staff. Funding is based on a PES Competence application which includes a short description and budget for the activities planned. The application form for Additional Coordinator funding can be used, and the application should be presented to the EU-office at latest two months before the activity is planned.


General procedures

  • For Additional PES Coordinator, deadlines and handling of applications are running
  • PES Competence has a yearly deadline around February, information are sent to the units in due time
  • For the UiO-PES Horizon Europe schemes that require an application, approval will be granted from the EU-office and funds allocated on the basis of accounting and reporting of the costs by the department
  • Only employees at UiO may apply for UiO-PES Horizon Europe
  • PES support related to Horizon Europe applications will only be triggered if the submitted project proposal is formally approved (eligible) by the EU

The applications may be sent to


Tags: PES, UiO-PES, Prosjektetableringsstøtte, Project establishment support, EU, Horizon Europe
Published Oct. 28, 2016 12:29 PM - Last modified June 21, 2023 12:55 PM