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KiS - Knowledge in Schools

Knowledge in Schools (Kunnskap i skolen) - KiS - was a interfaculty research area that ended in December 2015.

KiS was a strategic and multi-disciplinary cooperation between five faculties at the University of Oslo; the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Faculty og Social Sciences and the Faculty of Law. The Department of Public and International Law was the programme partner department at the Faculty of Law.

Three thematic areas of research

The cross-disciplinary research field "KiS", Knowledge in Schools, was divided into three thematic areas of research:

1. Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Education

This area of researc drew together researchers from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Education. The leaders of this area were Professor Marianne Ødegaard and Ellen Karoline Henriksen (Natural Sciences) and Ole Kristian Bergem and Associate Professor Liv Sissel Grønmo (Mathematics)

2. Language in Education

This area of research drew together researchers from two faculties, the Faculty of Educational Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities. The leaders of this thematic area were Professor Hilde Hasselgård and Professor Rita Hvistendahl

3. School Governance, Educational Leadership and Organization

This third thematic area of research drew together researchers from three faculties, the Faculty of Educational Sciences, the Facutly of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Law. The leaders of this area were post. doc Helga Aune and researcher Trond Welstad and Associate Professor Eli Ottesen and Professor Jorunn Møller.

Published Jan. 17, 2017 9:54 AM - Last modified Jan. 17, 2017 9:55 AM