MLS - Molecular life science

MLS was a multifaculty priority research area at the University of Oslo from 2009 to 2014.

MLS was established as a reinforced prolongation of an earlier cross-faculty initiative established already in 2001, called EMBIO, and organized as a unit reporting directly to the Rector and the University Board.

MLS operated as a strategic instrument for a large research area at UiO, molecular life science.

It coordinated and financed interdisciplinary excellent research at three faculties, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Dentistry, in collaboration with their three Vice Deans for research. In addition, MLS had formal responsibility for two research centres at UiO: The Biotechnology Centre of Oslo  (BiO) and Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM).

MLS also played an important role in the early stages of the planning of the new premises for Life Science research in Gaustadbekkdalen.

MLS was terminated by the end of 2014, but its budget and activities were integrated into the new initiative, UiO:Life Science, an expanded initiative having a broader impact area and a new organisation. Read more about this intiative on the website of UiO:Life Science.