Admission Complaint Regulations

On this web page you will find information regarding admissions complaint regulations and process, and how to ask for an explanation concerning the grounds for the result of your application.

Grounds for decision

In accordance with the Norwegian Public Administration Act § 24, you may ask for an explanation concerning the grounds for the result of your application. 

Deadline for asking for an explanation

Within three weeks after you received your application results.

What constitutes a legitimate basis for complaint?

If after receiving the explanation you believe your application was wrongfully evaluated, you have the right to file a complaint. In accordance with the Norwegian Public Administration Act § 28, applicants may file a complaint based on procedural mistakes.

UiO may consider whether a rejection appears to have been affected by non-compliance with the procedural rules laid down in the Norwegian Public Administration Act, non-compliance with UiO’s internal procedural rule, or whether the rejection is invalid due to a breach of public administration rules relating to the abuse of authority.

  • Procedural mistakes: non-compliance with the general rules laid down in the Norwegian Public Administration Act, or UiO’s internal procedures for handling applications.
  • Abuse of authority: non-compliance with normal requirements concerning objectivity, or unreasonably differential treatment.

Filing a complaint

The grounds for complaint should be submitted in writing and signed by the complainant.

You may scan and submit the document by email or send it by regular post to:  

Central Appeals Committee at the University of Oslo
Department of Education Services
Admissions Office
PO BOX 1081
0316 Oslo, Norway

Please mark the envelope with "Complaint" and your application number.

If you would like to send the complaint by email, please find the correct email address in your admission or rejection letter.

The complaint must refer to the decision which is the subject of the appeal and the desired changes to this decision.

Deadline for filing a complaint

Within three weeks after you received the explanation for your application results.

Who will consider the complaint?

The Admissions Office will forward the complaint to the relevant body. Should they change their decision, the complainant will be notified of this. Should they find no reason to change the decision, the case will be forwarded to the Central Appeals Committee with details of the matter at hand, and an account of why the relevant body has decided that the complaint should be rejected.

The Central Appeals Committee at the University of Oslo processes complaints on the basis of written evidence, including the relevant application, the decision issued by the relevant body and the written complaint. Should the Committee find that the rejection is encumbered with mistakes to the effect that it must be considered invalid; the Committee will invalidate the decision and order the relevant body to re-process the application. The complainant will be notified of the outcome of the Central Appeals Committee deliberations.

The Central Appeal committee is the ultimate body of appeal and their decision is final. Complaints filed with the University of Oslo shall be processed as quickly as possible.

Published Dec. 13, 2010 11:18 AM - Last modified June 11, 2024 2:32 PM