Important dates and deadlines following dates and deadlines are important for students on EXPHIL03E in the autumn semester of 2016.

Assignment of topics for essays

Students whose assigned topic is in Exphil I - History of philosophy and science receive their assignments in the seminary class in week week 36 (September 5.-9.).

Students whose assigned topic is in Exphil II - Ethics receive their assignments in the first seminary class in week uke 43 (October 24.-28.).

The seminary teachers are responsible for handing out the assignments and questions regarding the assignments should be addressed to them.

Submission deadline for essays

Submission deadline for essays in Exphil I, autumn 2016:

20 October at 14:00

Submission deadline for essays in Exphil II, autumn 2016:

8 December at 14:00

The essays should be uploaded to Fronter.

Multiple Choice tests

Qualifying Multiple Choice tests are held in the last of the seminary classes. If your test coincides with another exam, please take this up with your teacher. If you fail or is sick on the first attempt, you can try a second time. This second attempt is usually held in early January.

More about the Multiple Choice test here.

Transfer to written examination

If you fail to attend the required number of classes, or if you fail to hand in your essay in Exphil I, it is possible to apply for transfer to a written examination. Applications should be made to by November 1st at the latest.





Published June 3, 2016 4:09 PM - Last modified Dec. 2, 2016 6:40 PM