Syllabus Turkish seminars MES4110

The aim of this curriculum of Turkish texts is

- to give the students an understanding of the emergence of Turkey as a national state, including the War of Independence. - to strengthen the ability of the students to read older texts.

The singular texts and their authors will be presented by the students assigned to this task, but will also be read in class.


Yusuf Akçora: Üç Tarz-ı Siyaset, p. 19–36.

Ziya Gökalp:Türkleşmek,İslamlaşmak, Muasırlaşmak, p. 1-13.  aton.ttu.eduZiya Gökalp-Türkleşmek,İslamlaşmak, Muasırlaşmak.pdf  

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk: Nutuk, p. 1–13 ­

Halide Edepi Adıvar: Ateşten Gömlek p.78–88

Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu: Yaban, p. 11–24

A text on cultural politics in the early republican period will possibly be added e.g. the article “Çeviri ve Siyaset: Bir Kültür Girişimcisi olarak Hasan-Âli Yücel”, in Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar: Kapılar (Istanbul 2005), p. 39–59.

Published June 3, 2015 2:15 PM - Last modified Oct. 29, 2018 3:04 PM