Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur

MØNA 4522 «Politisk islam»: Forslag til videre lesning

Seminar 1: Islamisme og Det muslimske brorskapet: perspektiver og tolkningsmuligheter

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur:

Utvik, Bjørn Olav: Islamismen, Unipub, 2011, s.19-75.

Høigilt, Jacob & Kjetil Selvik: “Hva er islamisme?” Babylon - Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier, 6 (2) (2008), 8-19. URL:

Utvik, Bjørn Olav: “The Modernizing Force of Islam”, i John L. Esposito & Francois Burgat (red.) Modernizing Islam: Religion in the Public Sphere in the Middle East and Europe, Rutgers University Press, 2003, s. 43-68.

Hallberg-Tønnessen, Truls: “Egyptiske studenter mellom Marx og Muhammad:  framveksten av den islamske studentbevegelsen 1970-1981”. Hovedoppgave, Universitetet i Oslo, 2005, s.8-17. URL:

Jan Kuhlmann, “Buchkritik: Die vielen Gesichter der Muslimbrüder. Neue Bücher zu einem überdramatisierten, aber unteranalysierten Phänomen,” Internationale Politik, 68 (1) (januar-februar 2013), s.136-140. URL:

Woltering, Robbert A. F. L.: “The Roots of Islamist Popularity”, Third World Quarterly, 23 (6) (desember 2002), s. 1133-1143. URL:

Volpi, Frédéric (red.): Political Islam: A Critical Reader, Routledge 2011, s.1-194, 386-466.

Ismail, Salwa: Rethinking Islamist Politics: Culture, the State and Islamism, I.B. Tauris, 2003.

Bayat, Asef (red.): Post-Islamism: The Many Faces of Political Islam, Oxford University Press, 2013, s.3-157, 185-257, 277-342.

Meijer, Roel (red.): Global Salafism: Islam's New Religious Movement. Oxford University, 2009.

Seminar 2: Fra Ismailia til Kairo: Etablering, fremvekst og politisering, 1928-45

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur:

Lia, Brynjar: The Society of the Muslim Brothers in Egypt: The Rise of an Islamic Mass Movement 1928-1942. Ithaca Press, 1998, s.73-234.

Mitchell, Richard P.: The Society of the Muslim Brothers, Oxford University Press, 1993, s.1-34.

Ziad Munson, “Islamic Mobilization: Social Movement Theory and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood”, The Sociological Quarterly, 42 (4) (høst 2001), s. 487-510. URL:

Simms, Rupe: “‘Islam is Our Politics’: a Gramscian Analysis of the Muslim Brotherhood (1928-1953)”, Social Compass, 49 (4) (desember 2002), s.563-582. (19 s.) URL: (doi: 10.1177/0037768602049004007)

Gershoni, Israel: “The Muslim Brothers and the Arab Revolt in Palestine, 1936-39” Middle Eastern Studies, 22 (3) (juli 1986), s. 367-397. URL:

Kupferschmidt, Uri M.: “Reformist and Militant Islam in Urban and Rural Egypt”, Middle Eastern Studies, 23 (4) (oktober 1987), s.403-418. URL:

Kupferschmidt, Uri M.: “The Muslim Brothers and the Egyptian Village”, Asian and African Studies, 16 (1982), s.157-170.

Goldberg, Ellis: “Smashing Idols and the State: The Protestant Ethic and Egyptian Sunni Radicalism”, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 33 (1) (januar 1991), s.3-35. URL:

Goldberg, Ellis: “Bases of Traditional Reaction: A Look at the Muslim Brothers,” Peuples

Méditerranéens/Mediterranean Peoples, 14 (januar-mars 1981), s.79-96.


Seminar 3: Hasan al-Banna og de første konturene av en politisk ideologi

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur:

Meijer, Roel: “The Muslim Brotherhood and the Political: An Exercise in Ambiguity” i Roel Meijer & Edwin Bakker (red.): The Muslim Brotherhood in Europe, Columbia University Press, 2012, s. 295-320. URL:

A. Z. Al-Abdin, “The Political Thought of Hasan al- Banna”, Islamic Studies, 28 (3) (høst 1989), s. 219-234. URL:

El-Awaisi, Abd Al-Fattah M.: “Jihadia Education and the Society of the Egyptian Muslim Brothers: 1928-49,” Journal of Beliefs & Values: Studies in Religion & Education, 21 (2) (august 2010), s.213-225. URL:

Wickham, Carrie Rosefsky: “What Would Hasan al Banna Do?: Modern (Re-)Interpretation of the Brotherhood’s Founding Discourse”, i Roel Meijer & Edwin Bakker (red.) The Muslim Brotherhood in Europe, Columbia University Press, 2013, s.241-248.


Seminar 4: Konfrontasjon med monarkiet og allianse med Nasserregimet, 1945-54.

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur:

El-Awaisi, Abd al-Fattah: “The Conceptual Approach of the Egyptian Muslim Brothers Towards the Palestine Question, 1928-1949,” Journal of Islamic Studies, 2 (2) (1991), s.225-244. URL:

 “Al–Ikhwān al–muslimūn wa'l–tanẓīm al–sirrī (The Muslim Brothers and the SecretOrganization) by 'Abd al–'Aẓīm Ramaḍān”. Review by: ‘Ali Bakr Hassan. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, 19 (1) (juli 1985), s. 85-86. URL:

El-Awaisi, Abd Al-Fattah Muhammad: The Muslim Brothers and the Palestine Question, 1928-1947, I. B. Tauris, 1998.


Seminar 5: Undertrykkelse og radikalisering: Sayyid Qutb og Nasserperioden, 1954-70.

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur:

Utvik, Bjørn Olav: Islamismen, Unipub, 2011, s.109-111.

Khatab, Sayed: “Al-Hudaybi's influence on the development of Islamist movements in Egypt”, The Muslim world, 91 (3-4) (fall 2001), s.451-471. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1478-1913.2001.tb03726.x). (20 s.)

Calvert, John; Sayyid Qutb and the Origins of Radical Islamism. C Hurst & Co, 2010, s.157-292.

Calvert, John: “Sayyid Qutb and the Power of Political Myth: Insights from Sorel”, Historical Reflections / Réflexions Historiques, 30 (3) (høst 2004), s. 509-528. URL:

Calvert, John: “The Islamist Syndrome of Cultural Confrontation”, Orbis, 46 (2) (vår 2002), s.333-349. URL: (16 s.)

Calvert, John: “The Mythic Foundations of Radical Islam”, Orbis, 48 (1) (vinter 2004), s.29-41. URL:

Khatab, Sayed: “‘Hakimiyyah’ and ‘Jahiliyyah’ in the Thought of Sayyid Qutb,” Middle Eastern Studies, 38 (3) (juli 2002), s. 145-170. URL:

Haddad, Yvonne: “The Qur’anic Justification for an Islamic Revolution: The View of Sayyid Quṭb,” Middle East Journal, 37 (1) (vinter 1983), s. 14–29. URL:

Calvert, John: “Wayward Son: The Muslim Brothers’ Reception of Sayyid Qutb”, i Roel Meijer & Edwin Bakker (red.) The Muslim Brotherhood in Europe, Columbia University Press, 2013, s.249-272.

Calvert, John: “Wayward Son: The Muslim Brothers’ Reception of Sayyid Qutb”, i Roel Meijer & Edwin Bakker (red.) The Muslim Brotherhood in Europe, Columbia University Press, 2013, s.249-272.

Zollner, Barbara: “Opening to Reform: Hasan al-Hudaybi’s Legacy” i Roel Meijer & Edwin Bakker (red.) The Muslim Brotherhood in Europe, Columbia University Press, 2013, s.273-294.

Zollner, Barbara H. E.: The Muslim Brotherhood. Hasan al-Hudaybi and ideology, Routledge, 2009.

Toth, James: Sayyid Qutb: The Life and Legacy of a Radical Islamic Intellectual. Oxford University Press, 2013.

Shepard, William E.: Sayyid Qutb and Islamic Activism: A Translation and Critical Analysis of Social Justice in Islam, E. J. Brill, 1996.


Seminar 6: Liberalisering, parliamentarisk erfaring og fagforeningsaktivisme, 1970-90

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur:

Hesham al-Awadi, “A struggle for legitimacy: the Muslim Brotherhood and Mubarak, 1982–2009”, Contemporary Arab Affairs, 2 (2) (2009), pp.214-228. (DOI:10.1080/17550910902854015).

Baker, Raymond William: “Afraid for Islam: Egypt's Muslim Centrists between Pharaohs and Fundamentalists”, Daedalus, 120 (3), (sommer 1991), s. 41-68. URL:

Aly, Abd al-Monein Said & Manfred W. Wenner: “Modern Islamic Reform Movements: The Muslim Brotherhood in Contemporary Egypt”, Middle East Journal, 36 (3) (sommer 1982), s. 336-361. URL:

Shukrallah, Hala: “The Impact of the Islamic Movement in Egypt”, Feminist Review, 47 (sommer 1994), s. 15-32. URL:

Hallberg-Tønnessen, Truls: “Egyptiske studenter mellom Marx og Muhammad:  framveksten av den islamske studentbevegelsen 1970-1981”. Hovedoppgave, Universitetet i Oslo, 2005. URL:

Ramadan, Abdel Azim: “Fundamentalist Influence in Egypt: The Strategies of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Takfir Groups” i Martin E. Marty & R. Scott Appleby (red.) Fundamentalisms and the State: Remaking Polities, Economies, and Militance, University of Chicago Press, 1996, s.152-183.

Zahid, Mohammed: The Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt’s Succession Crisis: The Politics of Liberalisation and Reform in the Middle East. I. B. Tauris, 2012, s. 67-104.

Zollner, Barbara H. E.: The Muslim Brotherhood. Hasan al-Hudaybi and ideology, Routledge, 2009.

ʻAwaḍī, Hishām: In Pursuit of Legitimacy: The Muslim Brothers and Mubarak, 1982-2000, I. B. Tauris, 2004.

Bari, Zohurul: Re-emergence of the Muslim Brothers in Egypt. New Dehli: Lancers Books, 1995.


Seminar 7: Undertrykkelse, interne opprør og søken etter politisk legitimitet, 1990-2005.

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur:

Abed-Kotob, Sana: “The Accommodationists Speak: Goals and Strategies of the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 27 (3) (august 1995), s. 321-339. URL:

Stacher, Joshua A.: “Post-Islamist Rumblings in Egypt: The Emergence of the Wasat Party,” Middle East Journal, 56 (3) (sommer 2002), s. 415-32. URL:

Stacher, Joshua: “Brotherly Intentions? The Egyptian Muslim Brothers and the Politics of a Debate”, History Compass, 8 (4), (april 2010), s. 345–357. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1478-0542.2009.00675.x)

Brown, Nathan J.:  “Sharia and State in the Modern Muslim Middle East”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 29 (3) (august 1997), s. 359-376. URL:

Shehata, Samer & Joshua Stacher: “The Brotherhood Goes to Parliament”, Middle East Report, No. 240, (høst 2006), s. 32-39. URL:

Joel Campagna, “From Accommodation to Confrontation: The Muslim Brotherhood in the Mubarak years,” Journal of International Affairs, 50 (1) (sommer 1996), s.278-304.

Stacher, Joshua: “Conditioned Participation: The Mubarak State and Egypt’s Muslim Brothers”, i Jebnoun, Noureddine; Mehrdad Kia & Mimi Kirk (red.): Modern Middle East Authoritarianism: Roots, Ramifications, and Crisis. Routledge, 2014, s. 183-198.

Wickham, Carrie Rosefsky: “Ideas Or Interests?: Explaining the Success of Islamic Outreach in Egypt”, i Quintan Wiktorowicz (red.): Islamic Activism: A Social Movement Theory Approach, Indiana University Press, 2003, s.231-249.

Wickham, Carrie Rosefsky: Mobilizing Islam: Religion, Activism, and Political Change in Egypt, Columbia University Press, 2002.

ʻAwaḍī, Hishām: In Pursuit of Legitimacy: The Muslim Brothers and Mubarak, 1982-2000, I. B. Tauris, 2004.


Seminar 8: Gjæring, revolusjon og politisk makt, 2005-2013

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur:

Scott, Rachel M.: “Managing Religion and Renegotiating the Secular: The Muslim Brotherhood and Defining the Religious Sphere”, Politics and Religion, 7 (1) (March 2014), s.51-78. URL:

Sumita Pahwa, “Secularizing Islamism and Islamizing Democracy: The Political and Ideational Evolution of the Egyptian Muslim Brothers 1984–2012”, Mediterranean Politics, 18 (2) (juli 2013), s.189-206. URL:

Brown, N. J., & Hamzawy, A.: “The draft party platform of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood: Foray into political integration or retreat into old positions?” Carnegie Papers: Middle East Series, 89 (januar 2008), s. 1-24. URL:

Masoud, Tarek: “Are They Democrats?: Does It Matter?”, Journal of Democracy, Volume 19, Number 3, July 2008, s. 19-24. URL:

Stilt, Kristen: “‘Islam is the Solution’: Constitutional Visions of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood”, Texas international law journal, 46 (1) (2010), s.73-108. URL: (35 s.)

Mona Faraga, “Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and the January 25 Revolution: new political party, new circumstances”, Contemporary Arab Affairs, 5 (2), (April 2012), s.214-229 (15 s.).

Scott, Rachel M.: “What Might the Muslim Brotherhood Do with al-Azhar? Religious Authority in Egypt”, Die Welt des Islams, 52 (2) (2012), s. 131-165. (DOI: 10.1163/157006012X641674).

Chris Harnisch & Quinn Mecham, “Democratic Ideology in Islamist Opposition? The Muslim Brotherhood’s ‘Civil State’”, Middle Eastern Studies, 45 (2) (mars 2009), s.189-205. URL:

Abdelrahman, Maha: “‘With the Islamists?—Sometimes. With the State?—Never!' Cooperation between the Left and Islamists in Egypt”, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 36 (1) (april 2009), s. 37-54. URL:

Tadros, Mariz: “The Muslim Brotherhood’s Gender Agenda: Reformed or Reframed?” IDS Bulletin: Special Issue: Gender, Rights and Religion at the Crossroads, 42 (1) (januar 2011), s.88-98. URL:

Hazem Kandil, “Why did the Egyptian Middle Class March to Tahrir Square?,”

Mediterranean Politics, 17 (2) (juli 2012), s.197-215. URL:

Zahid, Mohammed: The Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt’s Succession Crisis: The Politics of Liberalisation and Reform in the Middle East. I. B. Tauris, 2012, s. 129-174.

Pargeter, Alison: The Muslim Brotherhood: From Opposition to Power, Saqi Books, 2013.


Seminar 9: Militærkupp og undertrykkelse, 2013-

Anbefalt litteratur:

Wickham, Carrie Rosefsky: The Muslim Brotherhood: Evolution of an Islamist Movement. Princeton University Press, 2013, s.247-288.

Al-Awadi, Hesham: “Islamists in power: the case of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt”, Contemporary Arab Affairs, 6 (4) (2013), s.539-551. URL:

Alexander, Anne: “Brothers-in-arms? The Egyptian military, the Ikhwan and the revolutions of 1952 and 2011”, The Journal of North African Studies, 16 (4) (desember 2011), s.533-554. URL:

Seminar 10: Oppsummering og komparative perspektiver

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur:

Utvik, Bjørn Olav: Islamismen, Unipub, 2011, s.297-366.

Schwedler, Jillian: “Can Islamists Become Moderates? Rethinking the Inclusion-Moderation Hypothesis,” World Politics, 63 (2) (april 2011), s. 347-376. URL:

Clark, Janine. A.: “The Conditions of Islamist Moderation: Unpacking Cross-Ideological Cooperation in Jordan,” International Journal of Middle East Studies, 38 (4) (oktober 2006), s.539-560. URL:

Schwedler, Jillian: “Democratization, Inclusion and the Moderation of Islamist Parties”. Development, 50 (1) (2007), s. 56-61. URL:

As‘ad Ghanem & Mohanad Mustafa, “Strategies of electoral participation by Islamic movements: the Muslim Brotherhood and parliamentary elections in Egypt and Jordan, November 2010”, Contemporary Politics, 17 (4), (2011), s. 393-409. (16 s.) (DOI:10.1080/13569775.2011.619763)

Kraetzschmar, H.J. and F. Cavatorta, “Bullets over Ballots: Islamist Groups, the State and Electoral Violence in Egypt and Morocco,” Democratization, 17 (2) (mars 2010), s. 326-349. URL:

Leiken, Robert S. & Steven Brooke: “The Moderate Muslim Brotherhood”, Foreign Affairs, 86 (2) (mars-april 2007), s.107-121. URL:

Hatina, Meir: “Redeeming Sunni Islam: Al-Qa‘ida’s Polemic against the Muslim Brethren,” British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 39 (1) (mai 2012), s.101-113. URL:

Marc Lynch, “Islam Divided Between Salafi-jihad and the Ikhwan”, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 33 (6), (mai 2010), s.467-487. URL:

Wiktorowicz, Quintan: "Anatomy of the Salafi Movement", Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 29 (3) (august 2006), s.207-239. URL:

Pargeter, Alison: The Muslim Brotherhood: The Burden of Tradition, Saqi Books, 2010.

Menza, Mohamed Fahmy: Patronage Politics in Egypt: The National Democratic Party and Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo, Routledge, 2013.

Meijer, Roel & Edwin Bakker (red.): The Muslim Brotherhood in Europe, Columbia University Press, 2012.

Publisert 23. juni 2014 10:48 - Sist endret 23. juni 2014 10:48