Pensum til seminartimer

Seminar 1: Islamisme og Det muslimske brorskapet: perspektiver og tolkningsmuligheter

Wickham, Carrie Rosefsky: The Muslim Brotherhood: Evolution of an Islamist Movement. Princeton University Press, 2013, s.1-19. (19 s.)

Voll, John O.: “Foreword” i Richard P. Mitchell: The Society of the Muslim Brothers. Oxford University Press, 1993, s.vii-xxii. (15 s.)

Lia, Brynjar: The Society of the Muslim Brothers in Egypt: The Rise of an Islamic Mass Movement 1928-1942, Ithaca Press, 1998, s.1-14. (15 s.)

Ismail, Salwa: “The Paradox of Islamist Politics”, Middle East Report, No. 221 (Winter 2001), s. 34-39. URL: (5 s.)

Bayat, Asef: “Islamism and Social Movement Theory”, Third World Quarterly, 26 (6) (2005), s. 891-908. URL: (17 s.)

Utvik, Bjørn Olav: The Pious Road to Development: Islamist Economics in Egypt. C. Hurst & Co, 2006, s.8-40. (32 s.)

Seminar 2: Fra Ismailia til Kairo: Etablering, fremvekst og politisering, 1928-45

Lia, Brynjar: The Society of the Muslim Brothers in Egypt: The Rise of an Islamic Mass Movement 1928-1942. Ithaca Press, 1998, s. 21-72, 235-287. (102 s.)

Seminar 3: Hasan al-Banna og de første konturene av en politisk ideologi

Lia, Brynjar: The Society of the Muslim Brothers in Egypt: The Rise of an Islamic Mass Movement 1928-1942. Ithaca Press, 1998, s. 72-88. (16 s.)

Mitchell, Richard P.: The Society of the Muslim Brothers, Oxford University Press, 1993, s. 209-294. (85 s.)

Seminar 4: Konfrontasjon med monarkiet og allianse med Nasserregimet, 1945-54.

Mitchell, Richard P.: The Society of the Muslim Brothers. Oxford University Press, 1993, s.35-208. (173 s.)

Seminar 5: Undertrykkelse og radikalisering: Sayyid Qutb og Nasserperioden, 1954-70.

Zollner, Barbara H. E.: “Prison talk: The Muslims Brotherhood’s Internal Struggle During Gamal Abdel Nasser’s Persecution, 1954 to 1971”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 39 (2007), 411–433. (22 s.)

Ashour, Omar: “The untold story: The de-radicalization of the armed wings of the Muslim Brothers” i Omar Ashour, The De-Radicalization of Jihadists: Transforming Armed Islamist movements, Routledge, 2009, s. 63-89. (26 s.)

Seminar 6: Liberalisering, parliamentarisk erfaring og fagforeningsaktivisme, 1970-90

Utvik, Bjørn Olav: The Pious Road to Development: Islamist Economics in Egypt. C. Hurst & Co, 2006, s.41-77, 191-232. (77 s.)

Wickham, Carrie Rosefsky: The Muslim Brotherhood: Evolution of an Islamist Movement. Princeton University Press, 2013, s.46-75. (29 s.)

Al-Awadi, Hesham: “Mubarak and the Islamists: Why Did the ‘Honeymoon’ End?”, Middle East Journal, 59 (1) (vinter 2005), s. 62-80. (18 s.)

Fahmy, Ninette S.: “The Performance of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Egyptian Syndicates: An Alternative Formula for Reform?”, Middle East Journal, 52 (4) (høst 1998), s. 551-562. (11 s.)

Seminar 7: Undertrykkelse, interne opprør og søken etter politisk legitimitet, 1990-2005.

Wickham, Carrie Rosefsky: The Muslim Brotherhood: Evolution of an Islamist Movement. Princeton University Press, 2013, s.76-119. (43 s.)

El-Ghobashi, Mona: “The Metamorphosis of the Egyptian Muslim Brothers”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 37 (3) (august 2005), s. 373-395. (23 s.).

Utvik, Bjørn Olav: “Hizb al-Wasat and the Potential for Change in Egyptian Islamism”Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies, 14 (3) (2005) s.293-306. (13 s.)

Toth, James: “Islamism in Southern Egypt: A Case Study of a Radical Religious Movement”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 35 (4) (november 2003), s.547 -572. (25 s.)

Seminar 8: Gjæring, revolusjon og politisk makt, 2005-2013

Wickham, Carrie Rosefsky: The Muslim Brotherhood: Evolution of an Islamist Movement. Princeton University Press, 2013, s.120-195. (75 s.)

Rutherford, Bruce K.: “What Do Egypt's Islamists Want? Moderate Islam and the Rise of Islamic Constitutionalism”, Middle East Journal, 60 (4) (høst 2006), s. 707-731. (24 s.)

Seminar 9: Militærkupp og undertrykkelse, 2013-

Pioppi, Daniela: “Playing with Fire. The Muslim Brotherhood and the Egyptian Leviathan”, The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs, 48 (4), 2013, s. 51-68. (17 s.)

Monier, Elizabeth Iskander & Annette Ranko: “The Fall of the Muslim Brotherhood: Implications for Egypt”, Middle East Policy, Vol.20 (4), (desember 2013), s.111-123. (12 s).

Abourahme, Nasser: “‘The street’ and ‘the slum’: Political form and urban life in Egypt's revolt,” City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 17 (6) (desember 2013), s. 716-728. (12 s.)

Frampton, Martyn & Ehud Rosen: “Reading the Runes? The United States and the Muslim Brotherhood as seen through the Wikileaks Cables”, The Historical Journal, 56 (3) (september 2013), s.827-856. (29 s.)

Ehrenfeld, Rachel: “The Muslim Brotherhood Evolution: An Overview”, American Foreign Policy Interests: The Journal of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, 33 (2) (april 2011), s. 69-85. (16 s).

Seminar 10: Oppsummering og komparative perspektiver

Wickham, Carrie Rosefsky: The Muslim Brotherhood: Evolution of an Islamist Movement, Princeton University Press, 2013, s.196-246. (51 s.)

Bayat, Asef: “Revolution without Movement, Movement without Revolution: Comparing Islamic Activism in Iran and Egypt”, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 40 (1) (januar 1998), s. 136-169. (33 s.)

Utvik, Bjørn Olav: “Religious Revivalism in Nineteenth-Century Norway and Twentieth-Century Egypt: A Critique of Fundamentalism Studies,” Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 17 (2) (august 2006), s. 143-157. (14 s.)

Davis, Nancy J. & Robert V. Robinson: “Overcoming Movement Obstacles by the Religiously Orthodox: The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Shas in Israel, Comunione e Liberazione in Italy, and the Salvation Army in the United States”, American Journal of Sociology, 114 (5) (mars 2009), s. 1302-1349. (47 s.)

Publisert 2. sep. 2014 13:37 - Sist endret 7. des. 2015 09:43