Seminar 5 - LATAM 2501



Hver gruppe velger tekster fra ett av alternativene nedenfor:

  1. A.J. R. Russell-Wood, "Colonial Brazil: The Gold Cycle, c. 1690-1750" i L. Bethell (red.): The Cambridge History of Latin America vol. 2 (Cambridge, 1984), s. 547-600 og Figueiroa/ da Silva, "Enlightened Mineralogists: Mining Knowledge in Colonial Brazil, 1750-1825" i Osiris (2000) 15, s.174-189
  2. R. Salvucci, Textiles and Capitalism in Mexico: an economic history of the Obrajes, 1539-1840 (Princeton, 1987)
  3. S. Schwartz, Sugar plantations in the formation of Brazilian society : Bahia, 1550-1835 part II: kap. 4-8 (Cambridge, 1985)
  4. Salvatore og Brown, "Trade and proletarianization in late colonial Banda Oriental: evidence from the Estancia de Las Vacas" i Hispanic American Historical Review 67:3 (Aug. 1987), s. 431-459 og Gelman, "New perspectives on an old problem and the same source: the gaucho and the rural history of the colonial Río de la Plata" i Hispanic American Historical Review 69:4 (Nov. 1989), s. 715-731
  5. D.A. Brading, Haciendas y ranchos in the Mexican Bajío (Cambridge, 1978)
  6. Cole, The Potosí Mita (Stanford, 1985)
  7. utgår
  8. utgår
  9. R.C. West, "Aboriginal Metallurgy and Metalworking in Spanish America: A Brief Overview"; West, "Early Silver Mining in New Spain, 1531-1555" og J.H. Coatsworth, "The Mexican Mining Industry in the Eighteenth Century" begge i P. Bakewell (red.), Mines of silver and gold in the Americas (Aldershot, 1997)
  10. Gelman, "Natural Economies or Money Economies? Silver Production and Monetary Circulation in Spanish America (Late XVI Early XVII Centuries)" i Journal of European Economic History [Banco di Roma] 13:1 (1984), s. 99-115 og Garner, "Long-Term Silver Mining Trends in Spanish America: A Comparative Analysis of Peru and Mexico" i American Historical Review, 93:4 (1988), s.898-935

  11. Stern, "Feudalism, Capitalism, and the World-System in the Perspective of Latin America and the Caribbean" i The American Historical Review 93:4 (1988), s. 873-885 ; I. Wallerstein: "Comments on Stern's Critical Test" samme sted s. pp. 873-885 og Stern "Ever More Solitary" samme sted s. pp. 886-897
  12. H. Klein, Haciendas y ayllus en Bolivia, ss. XVIII y XIX  (t.o.m. kap. 3) (kan også leses på engelsk)
  13. J. Booker, Veracruz Merchants, 1770-1829: A Mercantile Elite in Late Bourbon and Early Independent Mexico (Boulder, 1993)
  14. S. Socolow, The Merchants of Buenos Aires, 1778-1810: family and commerce (Cambridge, 1978)

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