#!/usr/bin/env python """ Created on Sun 27 Oct 2013. Modified to solve the home-exam in FYS2140 March 2015. @author Benedicte Emilie Braekken @author Are Raklev """ # Numerical tools from numpy import * # Plotting library from matplotlib.pyplot import * # Function definitions def Psi0( x ): ''' Initial state for a gaussian wave packet. ''' x1 = -5.00 # [pm] Start here a = 1.00 # [pm] Width of packet A = ( 1. / ( 2 * pi * a**2 ) )**0.25 K1 = exp( - ( x - x1 )**2 / ( 4. * a**2 ) ) return A * K1 # Main programme if __name__ == '__main__': # Define some numbers for x-axis nx = 4001 # Number of points in x direction dx = 0.005 # Distance between x points [pm] # Interval [a,b], same amount of points each side a = - 0.5 * nx * dx b = 0.5 * nx * dx x = linspace( a, b, nx ) # x is now an array containing all x-values used # Plot initial state figure() # Create a window for figure Psi = Psi0(x) # Create the initial state as an array Psi from the array x plot( x, abs(Psi)**2, label='$|\Psi(x,t)|^2$' ) # Plot xlabel('$x$ [pm]') # Label for x-axis ylabel('$|\Psi(x, t)|^2$ [1/pm]') # Label for y-axis legend(loc='best') # Adds labels of the lines to the window savefig('psisq_init.eps') # Save as .eps figure axis([-10, 10, 0, 0.7]) # Set axis range # Turn off interactive mode ioff() # Add show so that windows do not automatically close show()