Lectures for STK4130 Fall 2012

Reference are to the course text book KK (Keith Knight) unless otherwise statet.

Lectures so far

Lecture Wednesday 29/8:

  • General introduction to the course
  • Sections 3.1 and 3.2 in KK (Introduction)

    Lecture Wednesday 5/9:

  • Section 3.2 and 3.3 in KK (except pg. 124-125 from "How can the weak law be proved if ..." to Section 3.4)
  • Section 3.4 in KK (introduction)

    Lecture Wednesday 12/9:

  • Rest of Section 3.4 in KK.
  • Section 3.5 in KK (except pg. 134-136 from "The second proof ..." to "Using CLT as an approximation theorem")

    Lecture Wednesday 19/9:

  • Section 3.6 in KK (Examples 3.10 and 3.11 were not lectured, but is included in curriculum anyway, read yourself. However, "A CLT for dependent random variables", pg. 151-152 is omitted. Furthermore "Monte Carlo integration" is only included until bottom of pg. 154, importance sampling and antithetic variables are omitted)
  • Section 3.7 in KK: Only the introduction of convergence with probability one until and including Theorem 3.13 Strong law of large numbers, pg. 158-160.
  • Start Chapther 4 until pg. 176

    Lecture Wednesday 26/9:

  • Sections 4.2 (remainder) and 4.3 until proof of Th. 4.2.

    Plans for future lectures

    Lecture Wednesday 2/10:

  • The remainder of Section 4.3, Sections 4.4, 4.5 and possibly Section 4.6.

    Lectures October:

  • The remained of Chapter 4
  • Chapter 5
  • Start of Chapter 6

    Lectures November:

  • The remained of Chapter 6
  • Chapters 7 and 8 (as far as we get).

    Ansvarlig: Sven Ove Samuelsen. Oppdatert 13.10.11