Two students- one thesis

Before you decide to write a thesis in cooperation with a fellow student, you should know the special requirements of this matter.

Special requirements

When two students write the master thesis in cooperation, the size of the thesis, including the table of contents and the reference list, can be up to 120 pages. Both students must work with all parts of the thesis (theory, methods, analysis, and conclusion), and it has to include a written explanation on how the work has been divided between the two, both regarding the carrying-out of the project and the written text.


Students who write a master thesis in cooperation can get up to 12 hours of supervision. Both students must be present at the supervisions.


The students’ thesis and project will be evaluated as a whole. That is, they will get the same grade and have a common oral exam.

Students writing their thesis toghether must be aware that the cooperation is their own responsibility and that the Department will not involve if a conflict between the two arises.

Please also make sure you follow the general requirements for the master thesis.

Published Sep. 8, 2014 1:31 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 4:16 PM