Læremidler - 7. semester

I tillegg til litteratur vil våre viktigste læremidler være pasientene, eventuelle modeller, elektroniske simuleringsprgrammer eller interaktive elektroniske læremidler.

Læremidler (som gjelder for flere av ukene).

Oral radiologi uke 3:

Paul W Goaz, Stuart C White. Oral Radiology. Principles and Interpretation. 5th ed. 2004


•  Mitchell L. An Introduction to Orthodontics (3rd Edition), 2007, Oxford University Press

•  Bergland H. Normalokklusjonens og malokklusjonenes morfologi. Klinikk for kjeveortopedi, Oslo 1995.

•  Veiledning i journalopptak for studenter, Avdeling for kjeveortopedi, Oslo 2002.

•  Zachrisson BU. " Orthodontics and periodontics". In: Lindhe J, Karring K, Lang NP. (eds) Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, 4th ed 2003, pp 744-79 


Thilander B, Rönning O. Introduction to orthodontics. Gothia 1995 (Bare på Biblioteket)

Profitt WR. Contemporary orthodontics. Mosby 1999.


Modeller (ev. grisekjever) for propedeutisk kurs i gingivektomi

Lindhe J, Karring T, Lang NP (eds): Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, 5th ed. 2008. Blakcwell Munksgaard.

Lang NP, Karring K. Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Periodontology , Session II (Periodontal treatment), pp. 130-217, 1994. Quintessence Publishing Co., Berlin .

Breivik T, Thrane PS, Murison B, Gjermo P. Følelsesmessige belastninger og periodontitt . Den norske tannlæegeforen Tid, 1996; 106: 582-587.

Mueller, HP. Periodontology. The Essentials. Thieme, Stuttgart 2005.

Preus, Hans R, Laurell, Lars: Periodontal diseases : a manual of diagnosis, treatment and maintenance. Quintessence, London 2003.

Sykehustjeneste og farmakologi

HP Rang MM Dale, JM Ritter. Pharmacology. 6th ed. Churchill Livingstone, London. 2007.

Norsk legemidddelhåndbok for helsepersonell. Norsk legemiddelhåndbok I/S, Oslo


Textbook and color atlas of tooth impactions. Munksgaard, København 1997.

T Axell. Oral medicin: Praktisk internmedicin för odontologer. Förlagshuset Gothia, Stockholm 1994.

E Hjørting-Hansen, Å Nordenram, E Aas. Oral kirurgi. 3. utg., Munksgaard, 1986.

MS Greenberg. Burkets Oral Medicine, Diagnosis and Treatment. 10th ed. 2003.

JJ Pindborg. Atlas of diseases of the oral mucosa. 5th ed. 1993.

C Scully, RA Cawson. Medical problems in dentistry. 4th ed. 1998



Karlsen K: Avtagbare partielle plateproteser . Nordisk Klinisk Odontologi, Bind V, Kap. 21-IV. Almquist &Wicksell, Stockholm 1986. (Særtrykk i biblioteket og på hjemmesidene til Avd. for protetikk og bittfunksjon.) http://www.odont.uio.no/protetikk/Karlsen.pdf


Ekenbäck J et al.: Konstruksjonsprinciper för klammerförankrade proteser. SSPD rapport 1984

Davenport JC et al.: A clinical guide to removable partial dentures. BDJ Books 2000 (finnes også som separate artikler i British Dental Journal okt 2000- mars 2001)

Jepson NJA: Removable Partial Dentures. Quintessence Publ. Co. Ltd. 2004


Klineberg I, Jagger R, Occlusion and Clinical Practice. An evidence-based approach. Publisher: Wright 2004
Isbn: 0-7236-1092-4


Okeson JP: Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion. 6th ed.
Publisher: Mosby , 2007. Isbn: 0-3230-1477-1

Magnusson T, Carlsson GE. : Bettskenor i kliniken och på laboratoriet . Invest-Odont AB, Stockholm 1987


Bergenhotz: Textbook og Endodontology, 2003

Haapasalo M. Visual Endodontics & Traumatology. Multimedia CD, 2000.

Tronstad, L. Clinical endodontics. Thieme, New York, 3rd ed., 2008.

Tronstad, L. Endodonti, kompendium 1997.

Mikrobiologi og immunologi

Lamont: Oral microbiology and immunology. 3nd ed., Philad; Saunders 2006.

P Marsh, M Martin.Oral microbiology. 4th ed., Chapman & Hall, 1999.

J Slots, MA Taubman. Contemporary oral microbiology and immunology. Mosby Year Book, St. Louis. 1992.


RA Cawson, EW Odell. Oral pathology. Churchill Livingstone, 2nd ed. 1999.

JA Regezi, JJ Scuibba. Oral pathology. 5th ed. 2007

HS Koppang. Kurs i oral histopatologi. Kompendium. 1998.

T Axéll. Munslemhinneförandringer - klinik ock behandling. 4th ed. Förlagshuset Gothia, Stockholm 5:e omarb. uppl. 2000.


*Craig, Rober & Powers, John: Restorative Dental Materials,  12th edition, ISBN:0323014429, Forlag: Elsevier

This resource provides thorough, up-to-date coverage of the latest dental materials and backs it with fundamental information needed to correctly use dental materials in the clinic and dental laboratory. A problem-solving approach is emphasized throughout this book, especially when applying new information to practical situations. Additionally, it incorporates case studies throughout to illustrate concepts in the chapters. The scientific basis for technical procedures and manipulation of materials is provided, and at the end of chapters students have the opportunity to work through selected problems and verify their solutions. This edition features major revisions of core concepts such as cements, esthetic materials, and bonding, as well as new chapters on preventive materials and impression materials.

Location in the Library (School of Dentistry): PBL WU 190 Res'02 og WU 190 Res'02

Location of book in other Libraries


Anusavice, Kenneth J: Phillips's Science of Dental Materials,  11th edition, ISBN:0721693873, Forlag: Elsevier

It presents up-to-date information on materials that are used in the dental office and laboratory every day, emphasizing practical, clinical use, as well as the physical, chemical, and biological properties of materials. Extensive new clinical photographs in this edition illustrate the topics, and color plates are integrated close to related concepts as they're discussed in each chapter. A new glossary of key terms found at the beginning of every chapter defines terms in the appropriate context of the chapter's discussion. Also in this edition, critical thinking questions throughout the book stimulate the readers' curiosity on specific topics, test their existing knowledge, and heighten their awareness of important or controversial subjects.

Location in the Library (School of Dentistry): PBL WU 190 Phi'03 og WU 190 Phi'03

Location of book at other Libraries

Summitt, James B. and Robbins, J. William and Schwartz, Richard S.: Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry, A Contemporary Approach, 2nd Edition, ISBN: 0867153822 , Forlag Quintessence books 

Distinguished by the authors' strong commitment to conservative dentistry, this revised textbook combines time-proven methods with the latest scientific developments in preventive and restorative dentistry. Existing chapters have been updated and expanded, and five new chapters have been added. The addition of color photographs enhances the clinical concepts in several key chapters, and extensive reference lists promote further study into evidence-based research. New chapters discuss bleaching, esthetic considerations in diagnosis and treatment planning, root caries, fluoride-releasing materials, and the Tucker technique for cast-gold restorations. Also described are techniques for direct and indirect restorations, including inlays and onlays, porcelain veneers, and ceramic crowns. Current concepts in adhesive technology, caries management, and remineralization are discussed, as is preservation of pulpal and periodontal health. Students, educators, and practitioners alike will find this text a valuable resource for choosing among the widening range of treatment options.

Location in the Library (School of Dentistry): PBL WU 300 Fun'01

Location of book at other Libraries



Fejerskov O. and Kidd E. Dental Caries. The disease and its clinical management. Blackwell Munksgaard 2008.

Kidd and Smith. Pickard's Manual of Operative Dentistry. 8th ed. 2003

Westberg, Døving, Tveit. Kliniske rutiner kariologi 2005. Kompendium, kjøpes på Akademika

Kirurgi og Oral medisin

Følgende litteratur er gjeldende for 7-10 semester:

Oral kirurgi:

Peterson L et al, Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. 5.utg, 2008, Elsevier, ISBN 0323018874


Riden et al, Key topics in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Taylor & Francis Ltd, 1997, ISBN 1859960308

Killey HC et al, An outline of oral surgery. Elsevier, 2 utg, 1997, ISBN 0723610614

Oral medisin:

Scully C et al, Oral and maxillofacial medicine. 2002, Elsevier, ISBN 0723610746

Axéll T, Munslemhinneförändringar. 5.oppl, 2000, Förlagshuset Gothia, www.gothia.verbum.se , art nr 7205-264-3

Axéll T & Lindgren, Oral medicin. Förlagshuset Gothia, www.gothia.verbum.se , art nr 7584-315-3

Suppl .

Glick et al, Burket's Oral Medicine. 2002, B.C.Decker Inc, ISBN 1550091867

Encyclopedi om munslemhinneförändringar , CD-rom V.1.2, Förlagshuset Gothia, www.gothia.verbum.se , art nr 72031

Cawson, Oral pathology , color guide Elsevier, 1999, ISBN 0443061718


List et al, Smärtlindring i ansikte och huvud, 1999, Förlagshuset Gothia, www.gothia.verbum.se , art nr 7205-197-3

Generell medisin:

Norsk legemiddelhåndbok for helsepersonell, ISBN 8290732082


Langlais et al Exercises in oral radiology and interpretation 2004, Elsevier, ISBN 0721600255