STV2230 2015H

School exam:


Department of Political Science, University of Oslo

STV2230 - International Security Policy

3 hours




Answer four (4) of the eight questions below:


1. The great debate between realism and liberalism: Discuss the roots, main disagreements and shared features.


2.  Discuss the difference between deterrence and coercive diplomacy.  Give examples of each in modern politics


3. Discuss the concept of security.  Is security best understood as the ability to withstand aggression from abroad or are there other ways in which we can understand security?


4. What is “securitization”, and how is it related to modern warfare?


5. What is the difference between conventional and unconventional warfare?


6. “Anarchy is what states make of it”. Discuss this statement.


7.  When is coercion successful? Relate the requirements of success to an example. 


8. “War is an instrument of policy.”  Discuss the concept of strategy in modern warfare.


Home exam (note that this has been replaced by a course paper):

Choose one (1) of these two essay questions. Use theory whenever appropriate:



“The strong do as they wish and the weak do as they can”.

Discuss the validity of this famous quotation from Thucydides in the light of the UN Pact’s prohibition of war as an instrument of state policy.




NATO’s  role today:  Traditional military alliance?

Publisert 26. okt. 2016 16:58 - Sist endret 26. okt. 2016 16:58