
Bellin, Eva: ”Reconsidering the Robustness of Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Lessons from the Arab Spring”, in Comparative Politics 44, 2 (January 2012)  pp. 127-149, 22 p

Brandell, Inga: “Sabir - Reflections on the boundaries of knowledge, nation and language”, in Brandell, I., Carlson M., Cetrez, Ö.: Borders and the Changing Boundaries of Knowledge, Transactions vol 22, Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul (forthcoming 2014), 15 pages

Brandell, Inga (ed): State frontiers: borders and boundaries in the Middle East. London: I. B. Tauris, 2006, Introduction and chapter 13 (1-33, 199-215), 49 pages

Powel, Brieg Tomos: ”The Stability Syndrome: US and EU Democracy Promotion in Tunisia”, in The Journal of North African Studies, 14, 1 57-73, 16 pages

Brynen, Rex (2012). Beyond the Arab Spring: Authoritarianism & Democratization in the Arab World. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 301 pp

Chaudry, Kiren Aziz: Economic liberalisation and the lineages of the rentier state, in Comparative Politics vol 27, 1, (October 1994) pp 1-25, 25 page

Denœux, Guilain (2002): The Forgotten Swamp: Navigating Political Islam, in Middle East Policy vol IX, n. 2, June 2002 pp 56-81, 35 pages

Euben, Roxanne: Journeys to the Other Shore: Muslim and Western travelers in search of knowledge. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007, chapter 4, pp 90-132, 42 pages, or

Euben, Roxanne: Enemy in the Mirror: Islamic fundamentalism and the limits of modern rationalism, Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1999 chapter 1 and 2, pp 3 – 48, 45 pages

Gause, F. Gregory, III: ”The Middle East Academic Community and the ’Winter of Arab Discontent’: Why did we miss it?”, in Seismic Shifts: Understanding Change in the Middle East. Washington D.C: Henry L. Stimson Center, 2011 or ”Why Middle East Studies missed the Arab Spring”, in Foreign Affairs 90, 4 (July-August 2011)

Fargues, Philippe: ”International Migration and the Nation State in Arab Countries”, in Middle East Law and Governance 5 (213), pp 5-35, 30 pages

Guazzone, Laura & Pioppi, Daniela (eds.) (2009). The Arab state and neo-liberal globalization: the restructuring of state power in the Middle East. Reading: Ithaca: pp. 1-15, pp 325-350, 40 pages, plus three chapters covering one of the country cases (c:a 80 pages), in all 125 pages

Hertog, Steffen: ”Shaping the Saudi State: Human Agency's Shifting Role in Rentier-State Formation”, in International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 39, No. 4 (Nov 2007), pp. 539-563, 24 pages

Kandil, Hazem: ”Back on the Horse? The Military between two revolutions?”, in Korany, Baghat and Rabab El-Mahdi Arab Spring in Egypt, American University in Cairo Press, 2014 (2012), pp 175-99, 24 pages

Lundgren, Åsa (2006): ”Defending Through Violation: Ankara’s Contradictory Strategies Over the Turkish-Iraqi Border”, in Brandell, Inga (ed) State frontiers: borders and boundaries in the Middle East. London: I. B. Tauris, pp 101-23, 22 p

Lundgren, Åsa (2014): ”Knowledge Production and the World Value Survey: Objective Measuring with Ethno-centric Conclusions”, in Brandell, I., Carlson M., Cetrez, Ö.: Borders and the Changing Boundaries of Knowledge, Transaction volume 22 (forthcoming) 18 pp

Lust-Okar, Ellen (2007) ”The Management of Opposition: Formal Structures of Contestation and Informal Political Manipulation in Egypt, Jordan and Morocco”, in Schlumberger, Oliver (ed.) Debating Arab Authoritarianism: Dynamics and Durability in Non-Democratic Regimes, Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2007 or Lust-Okar, Ellen, Structuring Conflict in the Arab World, Incumbents, Opponents and Institutions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, chapter 2 and 3, pp 36-96, 60 pages

Mitchell, Timothy: Carbon Democracy: political power in the age of oil, Verso, London, 2013, Introduction pp 1- 11, Chapter 8 pp 200-230, 41 pages or Mitchell, Timothy: McJihad: Islam in the Global US Order, in Social Text, 20, 4 (Winter 2002) pp 1-18, 18 pages

Moore, Peter and Bassel F. Salloukh: ”Struggles Under Authoritarianism: Regimes, States and Professional Associations in the Arab World”, in International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 39, 1 (Feb 2007) pp 53-76, 23 pages

Picard, Elizabeth: ”Managing Identities Among Expatriate Businessmen Across the Syrian-Lebanese Boundary”, in Brandell, Inga (ed). State frontiers: borders and boundaries in the Middle East. London: I. B. Tauris 2006 pp 75-101, 26 pages

Robbins, Michael: ”Skipping the Arab Spring? The Arab Barometer surveys a Changing Algeria” (, April 2014, Arab Reform Initiative,, 11 pages

Roy, Olivier: Europe and the Mediterranean: When Obsession for Security Misses the Real World, EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2012/20,, 16 pages

Soliman, Samer: ”The political economy of Mubarak’s Fall”, in Korany, Baghat and Rabab El-Mahdi Arab Spring in Egypt, American University in Cairo Press, 2014 (2012), pp 175-99, 24 pages

Tessler, Mark, Jamaney, Amal and Michael Robbins: ”New Finding on Arabs and Democracy”, in Journal of Democracy 23, 4 (October 2012), pp 89-103, 14 pages


The book by Brynen et al covers in its different chapters most of the content of the course, it also contains many references and can be used when searching for the additional 100-150 pages to use in the course essay.



Additional reading and references:


Ayubi, Nazih N., Over-stating the Arab state: politics and society in the Middle East, I.B. Tauris, London, 1995 (e-book 2009)

Bayat, Asef, Life as politics: how ordinary people change the Middle East, Stanford University Press, Stanford, Calif., 2010

Bellin, Eva: ”The Robustness of Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Exceptionalism in Comparative Perspective, in Comparative Politics 36, 2 (January 2004), pp.139-157

Brandell, Inga: ”Globalisation, rentier states, labour and democracy: comparative perspectives” (Algeria, northern Africa), in Yunusa Yau (ed.) Pro-Democracy Movements, Mambaya House, Kano/Stockholm 2012

Cook, Steven: Ruling but not Governing: The Military and Political Development in Egypt, Algeria and Turkey, Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 2007

Fargues, Philippe: ”Emerging Democraphic Patterns across the Mediterranean and their Implications for Migration through 2030”, The Migration Policy Institute, Nov 2008

Korany, Baghat and Ali E. Hillal Dessouki: The Foreign Policies of the Arab States, AUC Press 2008

Korany, Baghat and Rabab al Mahdi (eds): Arab Spring in Egypt, AUC Press, 2014

Lerner, David, The passing of traditional society: Modernizing the Middle East, Glencoe, Ill., 1958

Louër, Laurence, Transnational Shia politics: religious and political networks in the Gulf, Columbia University Press, New York, N.Y., 2008

Louër, Laurence & King, John, Shiism and politics in the Middle East, Hurst & Company, London, 2012

Jorum, Emma: Beyond Syria's Borders: A History of Territorial Disputes in the Middle East, I.B.Tauris, 2014 (forthcoming)

Lundgren Jörum, Emma: Beyond the border: Syrian policies towards territories lost. Diss. Uppsala : Uppsala universitet, 2011

Lefort, Bruno: A Recited Community: Figures of an Identity Foretold. Narrating Heritage and Positioning Boundaries among Student Partisan Groups in Plural Lebanon, Tampere University Press, Tampere, 2013

Lust, Ellen: “Legislative Elections in Hegemonic Authoritarian Regimes: Competitive Clientelism and Resistance to Democratization”, in Staffan Lindberg (Eds.), Democratization by Elections? (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 2009).

Maktabi, Rania: The Politicisation of Demos in the Middle East: Citizenship between Membership and Participation in the State, Oslo University Press, Oslo 2012

Mitchell, Timothy: Colonising Egypt, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988 (in particular pp 134-154)

Interview with Fawwaz Traboulsi: ”Escaping Mumana’a and the US-Saudi Counter-Revolution: Syria, Yemen and Visions of Democracy”,

Rooke, Tetz: Tracing the Boundaries: From Colonial Dream to National Propaganda, in Brandell, Inga (ed) (2006). State frontiers: borders and boundaries in the Middle East. London: I. B. Tauris, pp 123-40, 17 p

Published July 10, 2014 1:14 PM - Last modified Sep. 23, 2014 8:28 AM