
1st day: Mon. Sept. 29.

Session #1: 10.15-12.00: Opening

10.15-11.00 Presentation of lecturers, participants, practical information about examination etc.  Inga Brandell

11.15-12.00 Setting the stage: Challenges to comparative and international politics: nation, state, politics and intra-state/society relations in the MENA (Introduction to course theme)  Seminar leader, lecturer: Inga Brandell

Session #2: 13.15-15.00: The Comparative Politics of State, Nation and Regime in the Middle East and North Africa

13.15-14.00 The State System of the Middle East: State and Nation Building Seminar leader, lecturer: Inga Brandell

14.15-16.00 Post-orientalist approaches and explanations to politics and state-society relations in Arab countries Seminar leader, lecturer: Inga Brandell

2nd day: Tues. Sept. 30.

Session #3: 9.15-12.00:  The Comparative Politics of State, Nation and Regime in the Middle East and North Africa (continued)

9.15-10.30 Limits of Authoritarian Consolidation: Egypt 2002-2010 Lecturer: Chaymaa Hassabo

10.45- 12.00 Beyond the Border: Syria’s policy towards territories lost Lecturer: Emma Jørum

Session #4: 13.15-15.00: The International Politics of the Middle East and North Africa

13.15-15.00 Globalization, geo-politics, demography and migration Seminar leader and lecturer: Inga Brandell

15.15-16.00 Seminar: Linking the global/international and the national: Egypt and Syria, Panel: Chaymaa Hassabo, Emma Jørum, Inga Brandell

3rd day: Wed. Oct. 1.

Session #5: 9.15-12.00: The International Politics of the Middle East and North (continued)

9.15- 10.30 What can be explained by the rentier state paradigm? Seminar leader and lecturer: Inga Brandell

10.30-12.00 Is there a Carbon Democracy? The Arab Spring and the Counter-offensive Seminar leader and lecturer: Inga Brandell

Session #6: 13.15-16.00: Cases and regional theories

13.15-14.30 Citizenship and Demos in the Middle East  Lecturer: Rania Maktabi

14.30-16.00 Elections, media and opinion polls: a way forward?  Seminar leader and lecturer: Inga Brandell

4th day: Thurs. Oct. 2.

Cases and regional theories, continued

9.15-10.30  A Recited Community: Student Partisan Groups in Plural Lebanon Lecturer: Bruno Lefort

Session #7: 10.30-12.00: Construction of a Field of Knowledge: What is in it for Comparative and International Politics?

10.30-12.00  Pre- and Post-orientalist Comparative Politics. Pre- and Post-national International Politics. Lecturer: Inga Brandell

Session #8: 13.15-14.30: Wrap-up and feedback

13.15-14.00 Planning the Course Essay

14-14.30 Pending questions and feedback


Chaymaa Hassabo has a Ph.D. (2012) in Political Science from the University of Grenoble, France and is currently research associate at the Chair of History of the Contemporary Arab World  held by Henry Laurens at Collège de France, Paris. Her thesis (in French) was entitled: Stability of the Mubarak regime in a situation of prolonged succession: limites of “authoritarian consolidation” 2002-10.

Emma Jørum has a Ph.D. (2011) in Political Science from Uppsala University, and is currently a researcher and lecturer at Uppsala University. An edited and updated version of her thesis, Beyond the border: Syrian policies towards territories lost, is forthcoming (July 2014) at I.B.Tauris, London.

Bruno Lefort has a joint Ph.D. (2013) in Political Science from the University of Aix-en-Provence/Marseille, France and University of Tampere. He is currently teaching at the University of Tampere. The title of his thesis was A Recited Community: Figures of an Identity Foretold. Narrating Heritage and Positioning Boundaries among Student Partisan Groups in Plural Lebanon.

Rania Maktabi has a Ph.D. (2012) from Political Science at University of Oslo. She is a lecturer at Ostfold University College, and the title of her thesis was The Politicisation of Demos in the Middle East: Citizenship between Membership and Participation in the State.


Published July 10, 2014 1:12 PM