
Viser treff 1–8 av 8 for «Robert Huseby»

STV9028 – The methodology of political theory – Universitetet i Oslo

Oslo, Norway Robert Huseby , professor at Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, Norway Cathrine Holst , professor at the Department of...

Jan Frich - Institutt for helse og samfunn

. Overlegen. ISSN 1503-2663. s. 56–57. Frich, Jan C; Allwood, Dominique; Berendt, Anthony Robert; Delgado, Pedro; Dunscombe, Rachel & Klaber, Bob [Vis alle 12...

Doctoral course: Method in political theory - Det humanistiske fakultet

Doctoral course: Method in political theory Organizers: Jakob Elster, UiO, Robert Huseby, UiO Time and place: Nov. 20, 2024 – Nov. 22, 2024 , CUNP...

Tidligere disputaser ved Institutt for statsvitenskap - Institutt for statsvitenskap

): Small Forces with a Global Outreach. Role perceptions in the Norwegian Armed Forces after the Cold War. Disputas: Robert Huseby Tid og sted: 25. jan. 2008...

Previous disputations at the Department of Political Science - Department of Political Science

Forces after the Cold War. Disputation: Robert Huseby Time and place: 25. Jan. 2008 10:30, Auditorium 6, Eilert Sundts hus Cand.polit. Robert Huseby at the...

uke-27.pdf – Universitetet i Oslo

search.aspx.pdf Revidert Kontrakt 144653 - NFR 276043 - Simulating the Cycle of Baryons in and out of Galaxies Throughout Cosmic History - MN ITA - Si

uke-25.pdf – Universitetet i Oslo

Offentlig journal Journaldato: 17.06.2024 - 23.06.2024, Dokumenttype: I,U,N,X, Status: J,A, Arkivdel: <>E-BILAG - Saksarkiv ved Universitetet i Oslo, ...

bar_arsrapport_2023_nett.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

Årsrapport – forskning 2023 Barne- og ungdomsklinikken Oslo universitetssykehus HF og Universitetet i Oslo 1 Årsrapport 2023 Innhold Klinikkleders hil