
Viser treff 1–20 av 134 for «bloggen»

Om bloggen - The Faculty of Theology

Planula's guide to the solar system!!!! – AST2000 - Høst 2021 – Universitetet i Oslo

In a galaxy far far away, turtles are torturing the jelly fishes on planet Chichiyaku. They are eating our population!! Monday 30. august 2021 was the

A week for Knowledge and Networks  - Universitetsbiblioteket

A week for Knowledge and Networks A week for Knowledge and Networks DSdays24 was a dynamic blend of workshops and discussions, bringing together a div

Japanese Studies and Digital Humanities - Universitetsbiblioteket

Japanese Studies and Digital Humanities The University Library plays an active part in discussing the status and value of Digital Humanities and Resea

DHKO2023: Looking Back and Taking a Big Step Forward! - Universitetsbiblioteket

DHKO2023: Looking Back and Taking a Big Step Forward! In the event of 10 years of digital humanities at UiO, we took the opportunity to go one step fu

Automated Text Recognition with ChatGPT 4 - Universitetsbiblioteket

Automated Text Recognition with ChatGPT 4 ChatGPT-4 can recognize and transcribe text from historical documents with stunning accuracy—re-posting a bl

MEATigation: Meat in Norwegian Food Practices: Eating - Senter for utvikling og miljø

, Marius; Sundet, Øyvind; Volden, Johannes R. & Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (2021). Holdningsendring alene gir ikke kjøttkutt . SUM-bloggen. Hansen, Arve; Korsnes...

MEATigation: Meat in Norwegian Food Practices: Eating - Centre for Development and the Environment

). Holdningsendring alene gir ikke kjøttkutt . SUM-bloggen. Hansen, Arve; Korsnes, Marius; Sundet, Øyvind; Volden, Johannes R. & Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (2021). Kjøttkutt...

Ulrikke Bryn Wethal - Centre for Development and the Environment

alene gir ikke kjøttkutt . SUM-bloggen. Hansen, Arve; Korsnes, Marius; Sundet, Øyvind; Volden, Johannes R. & Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (2021). Kjøttkutt krever...

Meet the AnthroTox team!

Department of Biosciences, I would like to introduce you to the AnthroTox crew, lead by Katrine Borgå and Paul Wenzel Geissler. Av Bio-bloggen Publisert 8...

Does fishing influence how sensitive fish stocks are to climate?

? Av Leif Christian Stige, Bio-bloggen Publisert 30. jan. 2017 High fishing pressure tends to lead to proportionally fewer old and large individuals in...

Using Arabic Script References with Better BibTeX in Zotero - Universitetsbiblioteket

Using Arabic Script References with Better BibTeX in Zotero The popular Zotero reference manager extension Better BibTeX has been updated to work with

Blue Growth: Conceptualizing Sustainable Development of Marine Environments

Blue Growth: Conceptualizing Sustainable Development of Marine Environments Av Anna Mazzarella, Bio-bloggen Publisert 21. mars 2017 On Sunday the...

How easy is it to type with our tentacles? – AST2000 - Høst 2021 – Universitetet i Oslo

How easy is it to type with our tentacles? This was an incredible mistake!I have been in this lab with my assistants and staff for at least five days,

DIY ROCKET SHIP!! – AST2000 - Høst 2021 – Universitetet i Oslo

DIY ROCKET SHIP!! This is a Do It Yourself tutorial on how to build your rocket ship (to a certain degree) Now we buil… Karl: Rebecca?!?! Where are yo

Marte Ødegaard - University of Oslo Library

provides them with the tools needed for success in their project. Ødegaard, Marte (2021). SMH-bloggen: BISON: Bibliotekarer Involvert i Systematiske...

Kaja Kollandsrud - Museum of Cultural History

medieval ages in Colour . Show summary Bloggen skrives av senior konservator Kaja Kollandsrud, ansatt ved Kulturhistorisk museum, Universitetet i Oslo (KHM...

Anne Sæbø - University of Oslo Library

styrket tjenester for åpen forskning og FAIR data. UBs samarbeid med DataverseNO beskrives i dette innlegget i Digiforsk-bloggen til Digital Scholarship...

My name is Galbard Bofeyneinton and I'm all alone in a dead planet. – AST2000 - Høst 2021 – Universitetet i Oslo

According to my calculations it’s been 730-790 earth years since I was banished by none other than physica deorum, the all-powerful gods who designed

Digital Classical Philology – A Review - Universitetsbiblioteket

Digital Classical Philology – A Review A new guidebook for digital methods and tools in Classical Studies and Latin and Ancient Greek philology. Image