
Viser treff 1–20 av 21 for «eu-finansiering»

HYDROGENi – Norwegian centre for hydrogen and ammonia research and innovation - Senter for materialvitenskap og nanoteknologi

, Truls (2024). Mechanisms and polarisation of electrodes for proton ceramic electrochemical cells (PCECs). Banet, Catherine (2024). The upcoming EU...

Magnetotellurisk Analyse for Grønland og Postglasial Isostatisk Evolusjon (MAGPIE) - Institutt for geofag

survey of the interior of Greenland. [Fagblad]. https://eu-polarnet.eu/newsletter-october-2022/. Weerdesteijn, Maaike Francine Maria; Conrad, Clinton...

Mobility Zero Emission Energy Systems (MoZEES) - Senter for materialvitenskap og nanoteknologi

EU policy processes, and regularly reviewed as with the California ZEV mandate process. The required knowledge should be developed in open-access...

Dyveke Johnsen - Department of Informatics

, EU , H2020 Publications Cristin returned 'not found' Published Apr. 7, 2015 12:19 PM - Last modified Jan. 20, 2022 11:56 AM Funding web-page EU calls...

Nils Roar Sælthun - Department of Geosciences

programme in geohazards. International project experience EU, SADC, Mozambique, Tanzania, Lesotho, Zambia, Palestinian territories, Vietnam, Ukraine...

sirius-final-report.pdf - SIRIUS - Centre for Scalable Data Access

verdifullt for samarbeid og innovasjon. Internasjonalt samarbeid SIRIUS har vært involvert i internasjonalt samarbeid, spesielt med Brasil, Storbritannia og EU...

o-sak-10-20-senter-for-data-sciense-and-computing.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

fakultetet innen DS+CS. 6. Foresl̊a tiltak for å n̊a disse m̊alene, for eksempel organisering, aktiviteter, ressursbehov, finansiering av nye stillinger...

2016.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

annual report CTCC 2016 annual report 2016 CTCC The Centre for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry annual report 2016 CTCC The Centre for Theoreti

2015.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

annual report CTCC 2015 annual report 2015 CTCC The Centre for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry annual report 2015 CTCC The Centre for Theoreti

2008.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

Chakrabarti (Kolkata, India) CTCC – Annual Report 2008 | 17 Total revenue and expenditure figures Finansiering (i tusen kroner) Reell finans 2007 Reell finans...

2009.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

expenditure figures Finansiering (i tusen kroner) Reell finans 2007 Reell finans 2008 Reell finans 2009 Planlagt finans 2010 Planlagt finans 2011 Planlagt...

2010.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

of a Eu- ropean city: quaint but vibrant. From having easy walking distance access to a “konditori”, which my wife thoroughly enjoyed, and Vigeland...

2013.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

note that Balcells received a Marie Curie Career Integration Grant from the EU in 2013, for the project Computational Modelling and Design of Sustainable...

2011.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

1969, the Eu- ropean Seminars on Computational Methods in Quan- tum Chemistry (ESCMQC) or “Strasbourg Seminars” have been organized every third year in...

Innkalling-IS1-2019.pdf - Institutt for biovitenskap

. Tilsvarende har vi 12 EU- prosjekter hvorav 4 nye i 2018. Dessverre nådde ingen av instituttets fire ERC-søknader i 2018 opp men flere av instituttets ansatte...

2013.pdf - Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis

2013. Most of these were funded through the Research Council of Norway. CEES is also involved in various EU-funded projects. 18 new projects were started...

2013(1).pdf - Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis

2013. Most of these were funded through the Research Council of Norway. CEES is also involved in various EU-funded projects. 18 new projects were started...

Innkalling-IS5-2015.pdf - Institutt for biovitenskap

funded by RCN, EU and others) is financed through these external projects. IBV has recently introduced the so- called “leiested” system. Without new...

evaluation-2011-panel1.pdf - Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis

Microsoft Word - Forside panel 1.docx Evaluation Division for Science Botany, Zoology and Ecology-related Diciplines Panel 1 Botany, Zoology and Ecolo

Innkalling og sakspapirer 03/2011 - Institutt for geofag

Doctoral fellows, 2 IT consultants and 1 secretary. The temporary positions are financed through the Norwegian Research Council, the EU Framework Programs...