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Publications - Norwegian High-Throughput Sequencing Centre (NSC)

: 37. doi: 10.1038/s41522-024-00507-7 PMID: 38565843 Boilard A, Walker SJ, Lødøen TK, Henriksen M, Takken Beijersbergen LM, Star B, Robu M, Tøssebro C...

guide-varanger-finnmark.pdf – Natural History Museum

described in this literature. In addition, information gathered for this field excursion is also inspired from various papers and books: Walker (2004...

njord_annual_report_2020_web.pdf - NJORD

NJORD Annual report 2020 Our mission is to advance the understanding of transfor mation processes in Earth- and manmade porous materials – Contents Pr

person.csv – IN3020 - Spring 2022 – Universitetet i Oslo

17 $ Steve M 2097145 Howell James M 19 'Abd al-Samad 'Abd al-Basit \N 20 Aaes Annemarie \N 23 't Hart Martijn \N 24 't Hart Maarten \N 25 $hort Too \N...

04-ellen-os-pdf-til-trykking----a4-_.pdf - Faculty of Educational Sciences

stilt opp som venn og som faglig ressurs. Sist men ikke minst; takk til min kjære familie: Sjur og Agnieszka og mine tre barnebarn Kiwi, Eilif og Jan...

NGT_72_3_Spec_Issue.pdf – foreninger.uio.no

., Piasecki, S., Stemmerik, L. & Watt, W. S. Goll, R. M. & Hansen, J. W. Olesen, 0., Henkel, H., Lile, O. B., Mauring, E., Rønning, J. S. & Torsvik, T. H...