
Viser treff 1–19 av 19 for «Robert Huseby»

Anne H Schistad Solberg - Institutt for informatikk

) . ISSN 0302-9743. 3540. Aurdal, Lars; Huseby, Ragnar Bang; Eikvil, Line; Solberg, Rune; Vikhamar Schuler, Dagrun & Solberg, Anne H Schistad (2005). Use of...

Ingrid Hobæk Haff - Matematisk institutt

: statistikk og data science Publikasjoner Vitenskapelige artikler og bokkapitler Andre Minotto, Thomas; Robert, Philippe; Hobæk Haff, Ingrid & Sandve, Geir...

Ingrid Hobæk Haff - Department of Mathematics

Publications Scientific articles and book chapters Other Minotto, Thomas; Robert, Philippe; Hobæk Haff, Ingrid & Sandve, Geir Kjetil Ferkingstad (2024...

Geir Kleivstul Pedersen - Department of Mathematics

. 1913–1920. Jensen, Atle; Huseby, Morten; Clamond, Didier; Pedersen, Geir Kleivstul & Grue, John (2004). PIV measurements of accelerations in water waves...

Anne H Schistad Solberg - Department of Informatics

spill detection based on SAR images. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) . ISSN 0302-9743. 3540. Aurdal, Lars; Huseby, Ragnar Bang; Eikvil, Line...

Alumni by year of graduation - Department of Informatics

Eivind Stordal Master Signal Processing Power-law attenuation of acoustic waves in random stratified viscoelastic media Sverre Holm 2011 Morten Huseby...

galenisk-publ-2012-2022.pdf - Department of Pharmacy

-christi as Anticancer Drug Carriers. ACS Omega 2022 ;Volum 7.(32) s. 28421-28433 Nezvalova-Henriksen, Katerina; Holm, Tone Huseby; Nilsson, Niklas...

Alumni by degree - Department of Informatics

Processing Karakteristikk og anvendelser av ICESat/GLAS laseraltimer i fjellterreng Andreas Kaeb, Anne H S Solberg 2011 Morten Huseby Signal Processing...

Alumni by year of graduation - Department of Informatics

media Sverre Holm 2011 Morten Huseby Master Signal Processing Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network with Energy Harvesting Nodes Sverre Holm , Helge Balk...

Alumni by name - Department of Informatics

Image Processing Is using images to test web pages the solution to a Sisyphean task? Anne H S Solberg 2008 Morten Huseby Master Signal Processing...

Publications_Sept_2022.pdf - Department of Mathematics

2022 Akbar, Rahmad; Robert, Philippe Paul Auguste; Weber, Cédric R.; Widrich, Michael; Frank, Robert; Pavlovic, Milena; Scheffer, Lonneke...

focustat_sluttrapport.pdf - Department of Mathematics

FocuStat: Focus Driven Statistical Inference with Complex Data 2 FOCUSTAT HAS BEEN a five- year project within the Statistics Division of the Departme

tg-2017-01.pdf - Department of Mathematics

Harbitz, Bård Støve og Ragnar Bang Huseby) for veldig godt samarbeid. Jeg vil også takke TG-redaksjonen (Ingrid Hobæk Haff og Ragnar Hauge) for god innsats...

navn_og_tall_2005.pdf - Kjemisk institutt

sekretær uten stemmerett Vararepresentanter: Pavel Karen, professor fast vitenskapelig representant, 1. vara Henning Huseby, bachelor student

HEPP-Media2012-2015-142-30.01.2016.pdf - Department of Physics

Universitetet i Oslo Uttak 30.01.2016 142 artikler Nyhetsklipp Å finne partikkelnåla i høystakken  Forskning.no 25.12.2015 05:04 5 Fant gammel pi-for

cma2010_annualreport.pdf - Department of Mathematics

Astrophysics G eom etry Q uantum M echanics Stochastic analysis D iff erential Equations A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 0 C E N T R E O F M A T H E M A

usersmanual.pdf - Department of Informatics

Image Processing Laboratory Department of Informatics University of Oslo Report No. 56 ' & $ % ' & $ % ' & $ % XITE X-based Image Processing Tools and...

Møteinnkalling 81211 samlet 2.pdf - Institutt for biovitenskap

BIOLOGISK INSTITUTT BIOLOGISK INSTITUTT ADMINISTRASJONEN I. 4/2011 INNKALLING STYREMØTE Instituttstyrets møte nr 4/2011 – 8.12.2011, kl.12.15, rom 121...

innkalling17032011.pdf - Institutt for biovitenskap

BIOLOGISK INSTITUTT BIOLOGISK INSTITUTT ADMINISTRASJONEN I. 1/2011 INNKALLING STYREMØTE Instituttstyrets møte nr 1/2011 – 17.03.2011, kl.12.15, rom 12...