
Viser treff 1–20 av 33 for «michael müller»

Facilitating Freedom of Religion or Belief - Chinese - Norwegian Centre for Human Rights

政府组织促进宗教或信仰自由 伊丽莎白 ·A· 休厄尔 (Elizabeth A. Sewell) ........................................ 853 结论和今后的议程  编者和迈克尔 ·M· 罗恩 (Michael M. Roan

complex_03_2023.pdf - Institutt for privatrett

1 CompLex 1/2023 Voice as the Window to the Soul: Analysis of the Level of Protection Granted by the GDPR to Emotions Inferred from One’s Voice Tereza...

annual-report-2015.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

Føllesdal Geir Ulfstein Post-doctoral fellows: Amrei Müller Claudio Corradetti Matthew Saul Researcher: Laura Létourneau-Tremblay PhD fellows: Nino Tsereteli...

judicial-politics-and-social-rights.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

-Economic Rights’, pp. 532–534. 47 Ibid.; Katharina Müller, Privatising Old-Age Security: Latin America and Eastern Europe Compared (Cheltenham, UK: Edward...

the-foundations-and-future-of-financial-regulation.pdf - Department of Private Law

Critical Reevaluation’ (2005) 39 International Lawyer 15 and Michael Taylor and Richard Abrams, ‘Assessing the Case for a Unified Financial Sector Regulator...

Ny litteratur - Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter

implementation/Michael Windfuhr; Human rights in the United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition/Uwe Kracht, Wenche Barth Eide & Urban Jonsson; A food...

annual-report-2017.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

administrative leader in February. In the fall, Silje Hermansen and Michael Holmgren started as postdoctoral fellows in political science, and Stein Arne Brekke as...

aarsrapport-2014.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

....................................................... 66 2.27 Jon Christian Fløysvik Nordrum, Stipendiat ................................................ 68 2.28 Michael Reiertsen, Stipendiat...

complex-2011-02.pdf - Institutt for privatrett


complex-2008-08.pdf - Institutt for privatrett

Microsoft Word - Avh-betaversjon-JPBerg-081212_mednyttregister_innhold20081217.doc Complex nr. 8/2008 Jens Petter Berg RETT OG RIMELIGHET I MORALSK BE...

complex-2015-02.pdf - Institutt for privatrett

Kontraktsregulering av smidig programvareutvikling personvern sa nk sj on er identitetsforvaltning forvaltning federated identity management single si

aarsrapport_2015_ior.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

midlertidig ansatte vit. personale (2014-2015): Stipendiat Anniken Sørlie Stipendiat Michael Reiertsen Vararepresentanter: Første vara: Postdoktorstipendiat...

annual-report-2015.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

Føllesdal Geir Ulfstein Post-doctoral fellows: Amrei Müller Claudio Corradetti Matthew Saul Researcher: Laura Létourneau-Tremblay PhD fellows: Nino Tsereteli...

pluricourts-annual-report-2014.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

Müller, Maxim Usynin, Hanna Karv, Zhanna Petrukovich, Theresa Squatrito, Shakira Maria B. Sancez, Christina Voigt, Siri Gloppen Photo: Daniel Høgli Olufsen...

arsrapport_2016_ior.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

) (23.08.10-02.05.16) Pouye Rabatel-Fernel, Maîmouna-Lise (f. 87) (01.01.16-31.12.18) Reiertsen, Michael (f. 76) (01.01.12-15.01.16) Rohde, Karl Inge (f. 76...

selskapsrettsnytt-nr-3-2017.pdf - Det juridiske fakultet

Forskergruppen Selskaper, markeder og bærekraft Abonnement på SelskapsrettsNytt kan tegnes ved å sende e-post til Mona Østvang Ådum: m.o.adum@jus.uio.

annual-report-2014.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

Müller, Maxim Usynin, Hanna Karv, Zhanna Petrukovich, Theresa Squatrito, Shakira Maria B. Sancez, Christina Voigt, Siri Gloppen Photo: Daniel Høgli Olufsen...

dossier-2007.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

”; see Attorney-General for Canada v. Attorney General for Ontario [1937] AC 326, 347. 12 See Article 75(22) of the Constitution of Argentina. 13 Michael...

nchr-bibliography.pdf - Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter

situation of workers. In: Alger, Chadwick & Stohl, Michael (eds.) A just peace through transformation: cultural, economic, and political foundations for...

Innkalling til instituttrådsmøte ved Institutt for offentlig rett 29.februar 2016 - med alle vedlegg [pdf] - Institutt for offentlig rett

), professor Michael Madsen, København, professor Frances Raday, Hebrew University. 4 f. Personal – oppdateringer om faste og langvarige tilsettinger Johan...