
Viser treff 1–20 av 45 for «mine water running»

Håkon Grydeland - Psykologisk institutt

longitudinal subcortical volumetric change is stable throughout the lifespan running title: Genetics of subcortical lifespan change. eLIFE. ISSN 2050-084X. 10, s...

Øystein Sørensen - Psykologisk institutt

genetic organization of longitudinal subcortical volumetric change is stable throughout the lifespan running title: Genetics of subcortical lifespan change...

Kristine Beate Walhovd - Psykologisk institutt

forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2021). The genetic organization of longitudinal subcortical volumetric change is stable throughout the lifespan running title...

Yunpeng Wang - Psykologisk institutt

forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2021). The genetic organization of longitudinal subcortical volumetric change is stable throughout the lifespan running title...

psychojs-2022.2.5.iife.js.map - Økonomisk institutt

{ "version": 3, "sources": ["../node_modules/seedrandom/lib/alea.js", "../node_modules/seedrandom/lib/xor128.js", "../node_modules/seedrandom/lib/xorw...

psychojs-2022.2.5.js.map - Økonomisk institutt

{ "version": 3, "sources": ["../node_modules/seedrandom/lib/alea.js", "../node_modules/seedrandom/lib/xor128.js", "../node_modules/seedrandom/lib/xorw...

Books/biographies - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

to change. Aukai Collins grew up hard: abandoned, surviving in the streets and running with thugs. While serving time, he converted to Islam, and went...

2023-rtv-1990-2022_without-sources.xlsx - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

Pushed and drowned 1 1 0 A homeless man was pushed into the Flensburg harbor by a skinhead and drowned. Before being pushed into the water, the victim...

eu3d-database_reform_proposals_file_id_read_only.xlsx - Arena Centre for European Studies

Sheet1 Title of the proposal (in original language) Title of the proposal (in English) Date the proposal was made Country where the proposal was made

rtv_1990-2021.xlsm - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

skinhead and drowned. Before being pushed into the water, the victim admitted to being Sinti and the perpetrator had said ‘foreigners out’. The perpetrator...

thompson-time-work-discipline-and-industrial-capitalism.pdf - Department of Social Anthropology

and flowing of ye water; and will goe 30 hours with one winding up.25 Professor Cipolla suggests I68o as the date at which English clock- and watch...

report_7_09.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

The Sinews of European Peace: Reconstituting the Democratic Legitimacy of the Socio-Economic Constitution of the European Union The Sinews of European

party-morals.pdf - Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi

to point out that this does not entail an understanding of drunken behaviors as “the preordained running-off of a ‘program’ their society has implanted...

report-4-2021-(2).pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

• … take the interests of organisations like mine into account • … perform its tasks in a very competent way In addition to making a distinction between...

warriner_2013_emotional_valence.csv - Psykologisk institutt

Word Val aardvark 6.26 abalone 5.3 abandon 2.84 abandonment 2.63 abbey 5.85 abdomen 5.43 abdominal 4.48 abduct 2.42 abduction 2.05 abide 5.52 abiding

elp_full_length_frequency.csv - Psykologisk institutt

watchtower 1.3424226808222062 6 763.52 water 4.05986622041094 4 564.88 waterbird 0 7 944.56 watercolor 0.6989700043360189 8 686.28 watercolorist...

tik_working_paper_20200423.pdf - Senter for teknologi, innovasjon og kultur

(incremental innovation), enabling diffusion of the technology to a variety of application areas such as mines, factories, railways and steam ships (structural...

report-01-14.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

Expertise and Democracy Expertise and Democracy Cathrine Holst (ed.) ARENA Report No 1/14 Expertise and democracy Cathrine Holst (ed.) Copyright  ARE...

report-3-20-hagen.pdf - Arena Centre for European Studies

more enjoyable than it would otherwise have been. Any and all errors in what follows are mine and mine alone. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction...

hart-informal-income-opportunities-and-urban-employment-in-ghana.pdf - Department of Social Anthropology

. Transport to place of work could cost Is. per day; even water for bathing, cooking, and drinking cost a penny a bucketful in Nima. A few other prices in the...