
Viser treff 1–20 av 126 for «petter days»

Events - Digital Life Norway

Modeling Living Systems - From foundational problems to applications Bergen 15-16 September Norwegian Bioinformatics Days 2022 Bergen 28-30 September BT8121...

Our mini MBA: educationally intense and intensely educational - Digital Life Norway

Our mini MBA: educationally intense and intensely educational Digital Life Norway's first mini MBA was held April 15th-19th. In five intense days the...

Slow loris study reveals: The human rhythm of sleep can be much older than expected

still quite difficult. “We monitored a total of seven slow lorises for a total of 321 days. In addition to the radio transmitters, the collars were also...

Bjørn-Helge Mevik – IT-avdelingen

sammendrag NIR absorbance spectra of 48 beef samples were recorded 2, 9 and 21 days post mortem in the wavelength range 950–1700 nm with a Zeiss MCS 511...

Annual report 2022 - Digital Life Norway

, meetings and workshops including reintroducing our traditional "Digital Frukost"-series, co-arranging the Norwegian Bioinformatics Days, as well as arranging...

Ber om forslag om kandidatar til UiOs menneskerettspris - Uniforum

humanisten Elie Wiesel i 1986. Det same året fekk han også tildelt Nobels fredspris. Prisen blir delt ut under Oslo Peace Days i desember. UiOs...

The Long Peace most likely began during the Vietnam War

days before the seminar, he looked at the data and existing models and realized that there might be more to uncover. He spoke to several of his PhD...

Welcome speech by Ole Petter Ottersen - Centre for Development and the Environment

the Nobel Peace Prize. Two days ago I attended the award ceremony in Oslo Town Hall where three women – two from Liberia and one from Yemen – accepted...

The Santal Mission - Museum of Cultural History

formally employ neither Boerresen nor Skrefsrud, assistance from the Baptists was without doubt vital during their early days in India. Skrefsrud underwent...

= Interfaces: Tradition and Technology in Musical Heritage Work – Conference 2016 - Norwegian Musical Heritage

Oslo) 13:30 Live music: Ingfrid Breie Nyhus 13:45 “Sharing the ephemeral: The Living Archives Project at Nordic Music Days 2016 in Reykjavik” (Hild...

Interfaces: Tradition and Technology in Musical Heritage Work – Conference 2016 - Norsk musikkarv

Oslo) 13:30 Live music: Ingfrid Breie Nyhus 13:45 “Sharing the ephemeral: The Living Archives Project at Nordic Music Days 2016 in Reykjavik” (Hild...

Adventurous Observations

basement of the observatory, looking at computer screens, but we also had some lovely hikes under the mountain sun. On days when the seeing was too poor to...

Stressful times? Here are a few tips.

came over to say, "Oh, that's too bad." And the farmer said, "Good or bad, hard to say." Days later, the horse returns and brings with it seven wild...

Ungarsk kjønnsforsker får UiOs menneskerettighetspris for 2022 - Uniforum

press fra den ungarske regjeringen. UiOs menneskerettighetspris deles ut årlig i forbindelse med Oslo Peace Days i desember som en anerkjennelse av...

ole-petter-ottersen-s-presentation-arusha-2012.pptx - Centre for Development and the Environment

Accountability can be a catalyst for transformative global change I have been looking forward to these three days. The challenge here is to be bold, to learn from...

include-annual-report-2023.pdf - Centre for Development and the Environment

-days meeting IINNCCLLUUDDEE TTHHEEMMAATTIICC OOVVEERRVVIIEEWW Restructuring of energy systems Electrification versus diversification of national energy...

Åse Gornitzka etterlyser namn på gode kandidatar til UiOs menneskerettspris - Uniforum

fortener. Det trur eg har blitt betre med åra. No er det også ei prisutdeling som er blitt ein del av Oslo Peace Days. Slik har den ei større ramme rundt seg...

include-annual-report-2022.pdf - Centre for Development and the Environment

Include Annual Report 2022 Annual Report 2022 Include Annual Report 2022 Vision Society urgently needs solutions that will protect the environment and

Mottar UiOs menneskerettighetspris: – Prisen betyr at innsatsen er blitt verdsatt - Uniforum

Gitlesen prisen i aulaen i forbindelse med åpningen av Oslo Peace Days. Siden menneskerettighetserklæringen kom, og fram til 2006, var ikke mennesker med...

Kampen for utviklingshemmedes rettigheter gir ham UiOs menneskerettighetspris for 2021 - Uniforum

deles ut årlig i forbindelse med Oslo Peace Days i desember som en anerkjennelse av personlig innsats og aktivt engasjement innenfor ett eller flere...