
Viser treff 1–20 av 58 for «petter days»

Final Conference – Judges Under Stress - Department of Private Law

chapters to external reviewers Fall 2023 – Expected publication of the Special Issue Registration In order to have factual information on the days of your...

complex_02_2023.pdf - Institutt for privatrett

takes days or weeks to perform, which is too long time for analyses to be useful as part of daily hygiene monitoring programmes. Additionally, the cost of...

english-translation---trygve-harlem-losnedahl---ends-and-means-in-the-regulation-of-public-procurement-a-legal-historical-analysis---tidsskrift-for-rettsvitenskap-2023.pdf - Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law

Petter Høgberg and Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde (eds.), Juridisk metode og tenkemåte [Legal method and legal thinking], 2019, pages 185 and 193. Ends and means in...

The UN Human Rights Treaty Body Review Agenda 2020: Scope for Local and National Engagement? - Faculty of Law

an expert seminar at the University of Oslo. Taking place over two days (17 – 18 October 2018), the seminar will serve the purpose of testing the...

kvinnerettslig-skriftserie-114-2023.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

The implementation of women’s rights to penal remedies for and protection against domestic violence in Bangladesh A critical multi-level and multi-met

kvinnerettslig-skriftserie-114-2023.pdf - Det juridiske fakultet

The implementation of women’s rights to penal remedies for and protection against domestic violence in Bangladesh A critical multi-level and multi-met

Podkast: Gir karakteren C til rettsstaten - Det juridiske fakultet

kanskje rekalibrere vårt syn på forvaltningen fremover. Universitetsplassen i samarbeid med Oslo Peace Days Episoden er en del av Oslo Peace Days. Oslo...

hrb-25.1.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

Volume 25 | Issue 1 | Fall 2021 American University Washington College of Law Center for Human Rights & Humanitarian Law Articles Exploring Barriers t...

annual-report-2021.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

disadvantages were also debated. Te conference gathered about 40 participants over two days, and they all contributed to facilitate long, engaging discussions...

annual-report-2020.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

theoRy of couRts and tRibunals 2020 annual confeRence This year’s annual conference took place online, 24-25 June. During the two days, all the researchers...

xiii-anuario-brasileiro-de-direito-internacional-volume-2-julho-2018.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

XIII Anuário Brasileiro de Direito Internacional VOLUME 2 | NÚMERO 25| JULHO 2018 XIII Anuário Brasileiro de Direito Internacional Brazilian Yearbook

jansen_publikasjoner - Institutt for privatrett

public sector In Proceedings from Easter Europe eGov Days. Prag 11-13.April 2007. ISBN 978-3-85403 Arild Jansen (2007) Fra skatt ved hullkort til studielån...

bjornstad_abstract.pdf - Department of Private Law

mal_spesialoppgave I ENTIRE AGREEMENT CLAUSES ________ Henrik Wærsted Bjørnstad1 Contents 1 THE ARTICLE IN CONTEXT....................................

jansen_publikasjoner - Department of Private Law

public sector In Proceedings from Easter Europe eGov Days. Prag 11-13.April 2007. ISBN 978-3-85403 Arild Jansen (2007) Fra skatt ved hullkort til studielån...

aarsrapport_2018.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

Commit Civil Disobedience? - 22.11: Luncy Smiths barnerettighetsdag - 5.12-12.12: Oslo Peace Days o 6.12: Seminar om menneskerettigheter o 7.12: Seminar...

complex-2009-02.pdf - Institutt for privatrett

included in the Task Force Reports. Moreover, two Public Comments sessions, each lasting 20 days, ensure that the relevant opinions of other interested...

complex-2010-02.pdf - Institutt for privatrett

Complex_2_10_materie_20100209.indd Complex nr. 2/2010 Olga Mironenko AIR PASSENGER DATA PROTECTION DATA TRANSFER FROM THE EUROPEAN UNION TO THE UNITED...

complex-2001-04.pdf - Institutt for privatrett

potential virtual enterprise partners. Such a business inte- grator would typically have management, technological and engineering com- petencies. Odendahl...

complex-1987-09.pdf - Institutt for privatrett

................................................................. 58 b) Qualifying period in case of accidents and other exemptions from the qualifying period ............................... 59 c) Number of days per...

complex-2006-01.pdf - Institutt for privatrett

like to thank my master thesis supervisor, associate professor Lee Bygrave for his valuable insight, to the thesis examiner, Jens Petter Berg for his...