
Viser treff 1–20 av 33 for «scholar at rask»

Malcolm Langford - Department of Public and International Law

(2018--2020), and Director, Global School on Socio-Economic Rights (2012-2019). He has also been a Visiting Fellow at the University of California...

Malcolm Langford - Institutt for offentlig rett

, Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, Amsterdam, June 2016 - with D. Behn and T. Berge Norwegian Lawyers and Political Mobilization: 1623-2015, presented at...

Thomas Ugelvik - Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi

til samfunnet i Norge, og PRISONHEALTH-prosjektet som studerer helsetjenester i fengsel og ideen om at fengsler kan være 'sunne institusjoner...

Thomas Ugelvik - Department of Criminology and the Sociology of Law

interweaving of power and resistance. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Prisons Research Centre at the University of Cambridge in 2012. Ugelvik is founding Editor...

Responses to the 'legitimacy crisis' of international investment law (LEGINVEST) [Completed] - Department of Public and International Law

for LEGINVEST has been a coincidence of long-term research activity related to international investment law over a number of years at the Faculty of Law...

Programme - Department of Public and International Law

Silva (Oxford University), Beyond Adjudication: International Courts’ Strategy of Legitimization through Socialization Mikael Rask Madsen (University of...

Seminar for Inger Johanne Sand 70 years - Department of Public and International Law

pandemic and new technologies within welfare and health. Time and place: May 25, 2023 8:45 AM – 5:30 PM , Professorboligen This seminar aims at reflecting...

judicial-politics-and-social-rights.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

/9781108284653.004 those who are often left to languish at the margins of society’.6 To be sure, this vision of law was not unbounded and unconditional. Most were...

hrb-25.1.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

, 1991, 993 U.N.T.S. 3. 30 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Jan. 3, 2008, A/RES/61/106, Annex I. 31 Dev Datta Joshi, Panel Speaker at...

annual-report-2021.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

government agents, civil society, and academia. On the list of participating scholars were Matthew Saul, visiting researcher at PluriCourts and Associate...

aarsrapport_2017_ior.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

legal officers may exert varying levels of influence on the judicial process. At this conference, legal and political science scholars and members of...

Innkalling til instituttrådsmøte ved Institutt for offentlig rett 3.juni 2019 med vedlegg [pdf] - Institutt for offentlig rett

slik at den stimulerer til rask registrering av alle utgivelser i CRISTIN, med administrativ støtte for registrering der det trengs (særlig aktuelt ifm...

annual-report-2017.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

, Kjønnsavdelingen and Radio Nova, invited her to discuss her findings. Research visits Two Fulbright scholars strengthened the ICL team at PluriCourts: Professor Ken...

leginv-project-description.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

become the most frequently used means of dispute resolution at the global level, bypassing well-established institutions such as the International Court of...

complex-1991-05.pdf - Institutt for privatrett

som mål å bidra til en politikk som gjør at den enkelte familie eller husholdning skal klare seg i sin hverdag. Rammebetingelsene i form av økonomi og...

complex-2008-08.pdf - Institutt for privatrett

uten finansiell støtte til min forskning. Én positiv effekt av denne finansieringssituasjonen er at jeg har kunnet nyttiggjøre meg den akademiske...

aarsrapport_2015_ior.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

conception of the ECHR?» for graden ph.d. Tone Linn Wærstad forsvarte 9. november avhandlingen «Protecting Muslim Minority Women’s Human Rights at Divorce...

Innkalling til instituttrådsmøte ved IOR 28.mars 2017 med alle vedlegg [pdf] - Institutt for offentlig rett

Kuzniacki, Blazej 30000 Visiting Research Scholar Program at the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law at WU for the period of 1 March and 30 June...

langford-norwegian-lawyers(1).pdf - Department of Public and International Law

International Law, University of Oslo (from 1 February 2016). This papers draws on work conducted at the Norwegian Centre on Human Rights and Pluricourts Centre...

langford-norwegian-lawyers.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

of Public and International Law, University of Oslo (from 1 February 2016). This papers draws on work conducted at the Norwegian Centre on Human Rights...