
Viser treff 1–20 av 151 for «scholar at risk»

Siste publikasjoner - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

denne artikkelen] (2024). Using brain structural neuroimaging measures to predict psychosis onset for individuals at clinical high-risk. Molecular...

Siste publikasjoner - Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi

examine how trade union actors at various scales of organisation and influence have engaged in the just transition agenda in Norway. The Norwegian model of...

WAGE: Arbeid og organisering i en grønn økonomi - Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi

Om prosjektet Et grønt skifte krever at samfunn verden over beveger seg mot et energiregime basert på lavutslippsteknologier. Utslippene fra petroleum...

Siste publikasjoner - Institutt for statsvitenskap

, when, and why each failed. Left and right-leaning actors gave normative, legal, and procedural reasons that resulted in rejection and stagnation at...

Publikasjoner - Det utdanningsvitenskapelige fakultet

: Attempts at developing context- and participant-sensitive approaches. Childhood . https://doi.org/10.1177/09075682241246394 Tateo, L. (2024). Doping...

Siste 100 publikasjoner fra Institutt for pedagogikk - Institutt for pedagogikk

; Akçapınar, Gökhan; Kaliisa, Rogers & Laakso, Mikko-Jussi (2023). Unleashing the Power of Predictive Analytics to Identify At-Risk Students in Computer Science...

MIGMA -Transnasjonalisme ovanfrå og nedanfrå - Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi

Migration and Refugee Studies, Management Policies and Governance. European Public Law Organization. ISSN 978-618-5417-11-6. Paasche, Erlend (2020). TK at 70...

Siste publikasjoner - Institutt for kulturstudier og orientalske språk

culture of social and political critique. Sarıyerli Hoca Sadık Efendi (1826/7 – 1873), a religious scholar and preacher who worked at various Istanbul...

Siste publikasjoner - Institutt for musikkvitenskap

data from the MusicLab Copenhagen with the Danish String Quartet research concert to discuss particular responses from the audience physically present at...

Temporalities of Urban Natures (1) - Institutt for kulturstudier og orientalske språk

tensions and entanglements. Such focus leaves temporalities underexplored, while risking to implicitly reinforce anthropocentric worldviews. As such, urban...

Temporalities of Urban Natures (2) - Institutt for kulturstudier og orientalske språk

singleheartedly on spatial tensions and entanglements. Such focus leaves temporalities underexplored, while risking to implicitly reinforce anthropocentric...

Språkutvikling hos norske barn - en bibliografi (1912-2010) - Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier

born at familial risk. Doctoral dissertation, University of Oslo. Nøklestad, A. (1996). A connectionist modelling approach to past tense acquisition in...

project-description.pdf - Institutt for statsvitenskap

this affects policy-mix development. Many studies of domestic climate policy aim at explaining why governments fail to govern climate action effectively...

hansenthau_cir.pdf - Institutt for statsvitenskap

. Zooming in on the redistribution and environment/climate dimensions in particular, provide further nuance to these findings. Paper to be presented at the...

Keynotes – Universitetet i Oslo

. Endangered species laws, as legal and cultural texts, embody particular perceptions of risk and thereby open a window onto locally and regionally specific...

Call for papers – Universitetet i Oslo

Call for papers International conference at the University of Oslo, June 5-7, 2013 . Regimes of Temporality Investigating the Plurality and Order of...

complex_03_2023.pdf - Institutt for privatrett

requirements for the degree of Master of Laws in Information and Communication Technology Law at the Uni- versity of Oslo. Research for this thesis was conducted...

styrets-beretning-2022.pdf - Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon

skrives, et stykke ut i 2023, vet vi at krigen fortsatte gjennom hele året, skapte stor menneskelig lidelse, flyktningestrømmer og enorm materiell...

rapport_midtveisevaluering_2020_final.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

other students and with national and international scholars. The quality of the courses, seminars and gatherings at their research school is generally...

ferdig-program-27.11.23.pdf - Museum for universitets- og vitenskapshistorie

issues of relevance both to a Scandinavian and an interna�onal audience. We welcome researchers of all na�onali�es and at all stages of their careers. This...