
Viser treff 1–12 av 12 for «scholars at rise»

Anders Bryn – Naturhistorisk museum

pollinatorer som følge av disse: Konkurranse om blomsterressurser. VKM vurderer at hold av honningbier medfører medium risiko for enkelte biearter som er...

Hugo de Boer – Natural History Museum

landskilpaddeartene som er inn- eller utført fra Norge siden 2010, og to arter som er gjenstand for betydelig internasjonal handel. VKM konkluderer med at det for åtte...

Dag Endresen – Naturhistorisk museum

academic teaching at universities, taking place within the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) countries and its associated network. A survey...

Hugo de Boer – Naturhistorisk museum

handel. VKM konkluderer med at det for åtte av artene ikke er skadelig med handel over landegrensene. Bestanden for fire av artene trues av lovlig...

Anders Bryn – Natural History Museum

lecturer at Department for Biosciences 2016 – The Golden Pointer . Awarded the "Brainpower Prize" 2019 by The Norwegian Association of Researchers Education...

elem24-cratons.pdf – Natural History Museum

of Early Earth Earth’s Earliest Crust At the Dawn of Continents Archean Geodynamics Under Flat and Flooded Continents Embracing Craton Complexity at...

royal-society-rstb20200086.pdf – Naturhistorisk museum

credited. Electronic supplementary material is available online at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare. c.5372463. Historical, archaeological and linguistic...

nhm-rapport-092-2-2020.pdf – Naturhistorisk museum

termer innen zoologi og botanikk. Mitt håp er at dette leksikonet vil gi på en enkel og lettfattelig måte, norske definisjoner og forklaringer på engelsk...

gp13-arndt-cc-form-evol.pdf – Natural History Museum

NICHOLAS ARNDT received his BSc degree at the Australian National University in 1969 and his Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in Canada in 1975...

gp20-marty-atm-origin-evol.pdf – Natural History Museum

than a million years) was emerging. The idea proposed by a geology professor at Toulouse University was to date the rise of the Acheulean industry (an...

Venus.pdf – Natural History Museum

TØRHAUG The paper presents a sculpture made of a fossilised shell. It was found during an excavation at the site Torpum 9b in Østfold, south-eastern Norway...

Venus.pdf – Naturhistorisk museum

TØRHAUG The paper presents a sculpture made of a fossilised shell. It was found during an excavation at the site Torpum 9b in Østfold, south-eastern Norway...