
Viser treff 1–20 av 152 for «scholars at rise»

Svein Harald Gullbekk - Kulturhistorisk museum

1957, at Naskeag Point, the prehistoric Native American settlement close to Blue Hill Bay, Brooklin, Hancock County, ME, USA (also known as the “Goddard...

Anders Bryn – Naturhistorisk museum

pollinatorer som følge av disse: Konkurranse om blomsterressurser. VKM vurderer at hold av honningbier medfører medium risiko for enkelte biearter som er...

Jan Bill - Kulturhistorisk museum

/gea.21795 . Fulltekst i vitenarkiv Bill, Jan (2020). The Ship Graves at Kormt - and Beyond. I Skre, Dagfinn (Red.), Rulership in 1st to 14th century...

Dag Endresen – Naturhistorisk museum

academic teaching at universities, taking place within the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) countries and its associated network. A survey...

Hugo de Boer – Naturhistorisk museum

handel. VKM konkluderer med at det for åtte av artene ikke er skadelig med handel over landegrensene. Bestanden for fire av artene trues av lovlig...

Axel Johan Mjærum - Kulturhistorisk museum

, Axel (2024). Tools of Different Trades? Merging Skill Sets in Metalworking at Viking Age Kaupang. European Journal of Archaeology . ISSN 1461-9571. s. 1...

Dagfinn Skre - Kulturhistorisk museum

traces how various types of evidence became available at different times and how scholars have shifted in their assessment of the evidence. Discussions of...

Engagement, trust and truth – Universitetet i Oslo

We are proud to have a large and strong community of scholars and students, at home and abroad. Together we fill knowledge gaps, and we question...

i-sak-13-24-norsk-senter-for-molekylermedisin-etter-2024.pdf – Universitetet i Oslo

møtet er det gjort rede for å omprioritere de midlertidige satsingsmidlene til andre formål, men at dette gjøres over tid. Fortsatt store ambisjoner...

multiling-project-description.pdf - MultiLing

international Scientific Advisory Committee (see below) at their annual meeting. International scholars who are specialists in multilingualism in childhood...

multiling_arsrapport_2020_web.pdf - MultiLing

in Communication Science, Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong and a visiting scholar in the Department of Psychology (Centre for Speech...

multiling_årsrapport_2015_lowres.pdf - MultiLing

adjunct pro- fessors at MultiLing. Established leading scholars already have their institutional anchoring, but an adjunct professor position will ensure...

rocs-arsrapport-2023.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

From the Director 6 2023 Activities by theme 8 Simulations 10 Observations with SST and IRIS 12 Science at Long Wavelengths – ALMA and beyond 16 Code...

rocs_annual_report_2023_uu.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

Director 6 2023 Activities by theme 8 Simulations 10 Observations with SST and IRIS 12 Science at Long Wavelengths – ALMA and beyond 16 Code Development 22...

rocs_annual_report_2023_web.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

From the Director 6 2023 Activities by theme 8 Simulations 10 Observations with SST and IRIS 12 Science at Long Wavelengths – ALMA and beyond 16 Code...


In the year 2023, Artificial intelligence has risen as one of the hottest topics around dinner tables, at most workplaces, and of course in the higher...

wong-looi_seamlesslearning_2011.pdf - Kulturhistorisk museum

) 2364–23812370 In contrast, we are looking at this dimensionmore in the context of students’ learning experience, as stated before.Whereas the rise of e...

2023-collected-final.pdf - CCSE

learn computational modeling and how computational modeling affects learning of the specific discipline. Education research: Education research at CCSE in...

norment-final-report-2013-2023-single-pages.pdf - NORMENT

people involved, and with a strong support team and coordination of activities, we recognize the tremen- dous opportunities the Centre has provided. At the...

tik-annual-report-2023.pdf - Senter for teknologi, innovasjon og kultur

............................................................................................................................. 3 Staff changes at TIK...