Nettsider med emneord «scholars at risk»

Publisert 20. mai 2017 12:07

This one-day special event, open to the public, was held in association with the Academic Refuge Staff Training Week 2017. Together With the 60 staff training participants from universities across Europe we discussed current threats to academic freedom and related values, as well as the role of universities in welcoming and supporting refugees and scholars at risk.

Publisert 11. juni 2015 15:15

Academic collaboration takes place in cultural and political contexts with different levels of academic freedom. How can the higher education community ensure the respect for academic freedom and other core values in international partnerships?

Researcher speaking
Publisert 12. juni 2023 08:44

Here you will find information relevant for new researchers coming to UiO through Scholars at Risk (SAR) and the Scholar Rescue Fund (SRF).

Publisert 14. juli 2023 10:24

UiO accepts researchers at risk through Scholars at Risk (SAR) and the Scholar Recue Fund (SRF). Here we will share practical information for the SAR/SRF host units, e.g. routines, advice and resources. 


Publisert 17. okt. 2022 14:49

EU har satt av 25 millioner euro til en stipendordning for ukrainske forskere i eksil. Ordningen gjelder kun forskere og PhD-kandidater. Stipendene kan være på opptil 2 år. Stipendordningen forvaltes av Scholars at Risk Europe m.fl. Det kom inn over 400 søknader i 2022, og UiO fikk innvilget to stipender. Det blir ikke flere søknadsrunder.

Publisert 17. okt. 2022 16:13

EU has set aside 25 million EUR for a fellowship programme for Ukrainian scholars in exile. The fellowship period is up to two years. The programme is implemented by Scholars at Risk Europe and partners. The programme got over 400 applications, and UiO received two fellowships. There will not be any more calls in this programme.

Researcher speaking
Publisert 22. des. 2021 15:07

Here you will find information relevant for new researchers coming to UiO through Scholars at Risk (SAR) and the Scholar Rescue Fund (SRF).

Publisert 14. mars 2022 16:55

Etter Russlands invasjon i Ukraina i 2022 tok UiO imot 16 forskere fra Ukraina ved ulike fagmiljøer. De avsatte midlene ble raskt brukt opp, men det er nå tilført nye midler, så det er igjen mulig for UiOs fagmiljøer å søke støtte til ukrainske forskere i 2024.

Publisert 3. mars 2022 10:00

SAR-komiteen ved UiO har sendt et notat til ledelsen 03.03.2022 angående situasjonen i Ukraina og vil jobbe videre med ledelsen angående hvordan komiteen kan bidra for å hjelpe forskere berørt av krigen i Ukraina. Mer informasjon kommer.

SAR Norway logo
Publisert 18. juni 2021 10:06

Scholars at Risk - Norway Section will mark its 10 years anniversary by discussing how its member institutions and society at large can strengthen academic freedom in the the time to come, by also learning from past experiences.

Publisert 31. mai 2010 13:35
Publisert 28. mai 2010 15:21
Publisert 29. nov. 2022 13:39