Comparative Immunology

Contact person: Finn-Eirik Johansen     
Keywords: Aquaculture, ‘omics’, Imaging, Vaccinology, Environmental factors
Research groups: Physiology and Cell Biology (FYSCELL), Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES)
Department of Biosciences (IBV), Department of Pharmacy (FaI)

The project aims to revolutionize vaccine development for the Atlantic cod, an emergent aquaculture species with a unique immune system, through a data-driven approach. Leveraging the vast array of disparate data sources, including the 1000 Cod Genome Project, bulk and single-cell transcriptomics data, large multidimensional (5D) imaging data sets, and extensive records from vaccination and infection experiments, as well as biogeographical data, the goal is to build a unified framework. This integration of diverse datasets is critical for a deep understanding of the Atlantic cod’s immune system. By synthesizing this information, the project will enable the creation of comprehensive models that are essential for facilitating selective breeding programs to enhance pathogen resistance and enabling the rational design of effective vaccine formulations. This innovative approach, rooted in data science, promises to significantly advance vaccine development strategies for the Atlantic cod, catering to both ecological sustainability and commercial viability.

Topics from methodological research:

  • Bioinformatic pipelines for analysis of omics data from non-model organisms
  • Development of spatial transcriptomics in non-model organisms
  • Development of mRNA or DNA-based vaccines
  • Advanced analysis methods for large multidimensional (5D) imaging data sets.

Topics from natural sciences or technology:

  • Immune responses at single cell level
  • Effect of microbiota and feed on immune responses
  • Cellular handling of foreign substances and tracking of immune molecules (live-cell imaging)

Research team:

External partners:

  • Institute of Marine Research (IMR)
  • Oslo University Hospital (OUS)