Joint Physics-informed and Data-driven Complex Dynamical System Solvers

Contact person: Ali Ramezani-Kebrya    
Keywords: Neural Operator; Weather Prediction; Dynamical Systems; Machine Learning; Partial Differential Equations    
Research group: Digital Signal Processing and Image Analysis (DSB)
Department of Informatics

Several scientifically major tasks such as weather forecasting leads to highly complex and high-dimensional dynamical systems whose solutions are challenging to obtain. Classical solvers using numerical methods should be run over and over as the environment changes. Furthermore, classical solvers are slow and expensive to implement. Such solvers typically require fine-grained discretizations, which leads to an increased run-time. Recently, it has been shown that AI and ML methods can significantly accelerate solving highly complex dynamical systems such as high-resolution weather prediction [1,2], which is backed by substantial investments by major companies such as NVIDIA and Deepmind.  In this project, our idea is to apply a novel and knowledge-driven approach to write the solution as a composition of a physics-inspired mechanical part and data-driven residual part. We inject the knowledge using highly-efficient numerical solvers based on substantial preliminary work done at the DSB group at UiO combined with SoTA ML-driven architectures and algorithms developed by the researchers from the departments of computer science and math and statistics through Integreat to substantially improve performance of the current weather prediction solvers, which will have huge scientific impacts.

Application domains:

  • Weather Prediction 
  • Physics-informed Neural Networks- Partial Differential Equations
  • Deep Operator Networks
  • Wave Propagation 
  • Signal Processing 
  • Numerical Methods


  • [1] Jaideep Pathak, Shashank Subramanian, Peter Harrington, Sanjeev Raja, Ashesh Chattopadhyay, Morteza Mardani, Thorsten Kurth et al. "Fourcastnet: A global data-driven high-resolution weather model using adaptive fourier neural operators." arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.11214 (2022).
  • [2] Boris Bonev, Thorsten Kurth, Christian Hundt, Jaideep Pathak, Maximilian Baust, Karthik Kashinath, and Anima Anandkumar. "Spherical Fourier Neural Operators: Learning Stable Dynamics on the Sphere." arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.03838 (2023).

External partner: 

  • Statkraft AS