Sustainable and renewable offshore energy

Contact person: John Grue    
Keywords: Air-sea interaction with solar islands and offshore wind    
Research group: Mechanics
Department of Mathematics

Air-sea boundary layer (wind and waves) impacts on solar islands and offshore wind geometries. Outstanding research gaps include the frictional velocity (u star) in oblique waves, wind and wave interaction with geometries of solar islands, and turbulent air flows interacting with wind turbines in the ocean space or on land. Investigations may include analysis and post processing of data retrieved from experiments in brand new 3D wave basin facility including wind resources and 3D PIV and laser methods, may involve mathematical modelling of wave and wind interaction with floating geometries, and may involve aerodynamical CFD and turbulence models for wind-geometry analysis.

Topics from natural sciences or technology:

  • Analysis and post-processing of data from available PIV-experiments in 3D wave-wind facility
  • Mathematical analysis of wave-geometry interaction
  • CFD and turbulence models for air-turbine interaction
  • Frictional velocity in oblique waves (air-sea interaction)
  • Waves and flexible geometries
  • Offshore wind industry in Norway, EU and world wide
  • Solar island start-up companies

Mentoring and internship will be offered by a relevant external partner.