Applied green robotics

Contact person: Tønnes Nygaard        
Keywords: Practical robotics, Applied research, Sustainability
Research group: Autosens
Department of Technology Systems (ITS)

Green robotics utilizes robot systems and technology to effectively tackle sustainability challenges across diverse fields like environmental monitoring, agriculture, waste management, energy, and transportation. While developing novel methods in sustainable applications is essential, recent advancements in robotics heavily rely on AI and machine learning models that demand extensive computational resources for training. Moreover, sustainability considerations often take a back seat in selection of materials and mechanical solutions, mainly due to the demanding nature of current applications.

By emphasizing the applied and practical aspects of robotics, this thematic area serves as a catalyst for fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration. It encompasses fundamental research in data and computer science, while also enabling applied research in natural sciences and technology. With this comprehensive approach, green robotics has the potential to drive significant advancements towards achieving sustainability objectives directly, while also driving the fields of robotics and AI in a more green and sustainable direction.

Topics from methodological research:

  • Data efficient algorithms (how to train models on less data with less computational resources, and how to deploy them on more energy efficient hardware)
  • Energy optimization for legged robots (gait optimization for energy efficiency, but also more long term sustainablity concerns like maintenance requirements and risk of damage to equipment)
  • Green navigation and path planning (how can robots work in an environmentally conscious manner, avoiding ecologically sensitive areas, minimizing soil erosion, reducing disturbance to wildlife habitats etc)
  • Eco-friendly materials and manufacturing techniques (how can we reduce the impact of building and maintaining the robots?)

Topics from natural sciences or technology:

  • Environmental Sensing and Monitoring (how can robots for instance monitor air or water quality, or soil conditions for environmental assessment and conservation purposes)
  • Environmental Remediation (how can robots aid in cleaning up contaminated sites, removing pollutants, and restoring natural habitats)
  • Biodiversity Preservation (how can robots assist in monitoring and protecting endangered species, tracking wildlife populations, or detecting and mitigating invasive species to support biodiversity conservation efforts)

External partners:

  • Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)
  • Kongsberg Maritime AS