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dScience Lunch Seminar: Jim Tørresen

Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area! This event is open to PhD candidates and postdocs.

Photo: Colourbox

Photo: Colourbox

Research Ethics in AI and Robotics

Jim Tørresen is a professor and group leader for the Robotics and Intelligent Systems research group at the Department of Informatics, UiO.

Jim will talk about ethical considerations for research and development of AI and robots, which in recent years have got increased attention. The talk will give an overview of the most commonly expressed ethical challenges and ways being undertaken to reduce their impact using the findings in an earlier undertaken review supplemented with recent work and initiatives. This includes the identified challenges in a “Statement on research ethics in artificial intelligence” that Jim has contributed to through being a member of the National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology (NENT) and their working group on research ethics for AI. The talk will exemplify the challenges related to privacy, security and safety through several examples from his own and others’ work.


11:30 – Doors open and lunch is served

12:00 – "Research Ethics in AI and Robotics" – Discussion on AI and ethics by Jim Tørresen

This event is open for all PhD candidates and postdocs. No registration needed.

About the seminar series

Once a month, dScience will invite you to join us for lunch, soft drinks and professional talks at the Science Library. In addition to these, we will serve lunch to PhD candidates in our lounge in Kristine Bonnevies hus every Thursday. Due to limited space (40 people), this will be first come, first served. See how to find us here (download).

Our lounge can also be booked by PhDs and Postdocs on a regular basis, whether it is for a meeting or just to hang out – we have fresh coffee all day long! Read more about the seminar series here.

Lounge Calendar

Tags: dscience, postdoc, phd, lunch seminar
Published Jan. 18, 2022 9:23 AM - Last modified Feb. 17, 2022 3:01 PM