The CompSci and dScience PhD candidates meet in a two-day seminar

On December 2-3, 2021, CompSci and dScience PhD candidates participated in their first PhD Program Seminar.

CompSci and dScience PhD candidates 2021

In autumn 2021, CompSci welcomed 14 PhD candidates and dScience 8. This was the first time that the candidates from both projects had the opportunity to meet outside the campus since they started at the University of Oslo (UiO).

During the first day of the seminar, Linda Westgaard and Ilan Villanger, advisers connected to the studies section and ForVei, facilitated the diversity icebreaker. Professor Anders Malthe-Sørenssen, the project leader of CompSci and leader of the Center for Computing in Science Education (CCSE), welcomed everybody and presented the CompSci training program. Morten Dæhlen, the center leader of dScience, and Cecilie Linea Ellefsen, the administrative coordinator of dScience, gave an introduction to dScience and its activities. Dr. Jessica Lönn-Stensrud and Dr. Matthew Good gave a brief overview of some of the resources and tools available to all the PhD candidates at UiO (University of Oslo Library). To conclude, Marianne Fuglestrand, career advisor at UiO (The Career Services at UiO), helped the doctoral research fellows describe their skills and competences and check if their career prospects are in line with their own values.

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Linda and Ilan together with the PhD candidates from CompSci and dScience during the Diversity Icebreaker.
Speakers during Day 1: Professor Anders Malthe-Sørenssen, Professor Knut Mørken, dScience Center Leader Morten Dæhlen, Dr. Jessica Lönn-Stensrud and Dr. Matthew Good.
Marianne Fuglestrand together with the CompSci and dScience PhD candidates during the self-evaluation of their values and skills.

After the talks, all the participants had the opportunity to relax and enjoy the evening.

Participants mingling.

During the second day of the seminar, Sølvi Haavik, adviser at the studies section at MN Faculty, talked about cross-cultural communication taking into consideration all the countries where the participants were from. It followed a session of professional inspiration with talks from Professor Marianne Fyhn, Associate Professor Petter Nielsen and doctoral research fellow Titus Casademont. To conclude the seminar, Ilan and Linda talked about how to give and receive feedback and what you need most for succeeding.

Speakers during Day 2: Sølvi Haavik, Professor Marianne Fyhn, Associate Professor Petter Nielsen and doctoral research fellow Titus Casademont.
What do you need most for succeding in your PhD?

First published by CompSci.

Tags: dScience, CompSci, phd
Published Dec. 13, 2021 12:01 PM - Last modified Dec. 13, 2021 12:01 PM