
Showing result 1–6 of 6 for «internship»

Internships – Naturhistorisk museum

Internships Internships We offer internship opportunities for international students enrolled in biology, geology or conservation degree programmes...

Internships – Natural History Museum

Internships Internships We offer internship opportunities for international students enrolled in biology, geology or conservation degree programmes...

BioDATA Advanced– Accelerating biodiversity research through DNA barcodes, collection and observation data – Natural History Museum

each be offered in all partner countries. One DNA wet lab course will be offered in Norway and South Africa. In total 6 student internships will take...

Study with us – Naturhistorisk museum

holding objects from the museum's collections. Study opportunities PhD Master Bachelor Internships Our research Read more about our research and resources...

Study with us – Natural History Museum

holding objects from the museum's collections. Study opportunities PhD Master Bachelor Internships Our research Read more about our research and resources...

News – Natural History Museum

and Giulia Casula started a 3-month internship in our group working on meiofauna species as part of the InvertOmics and the new ArtsDatabanken project...