
Showing result 1–20 of 20 for «ISI»

Subject page for economics - University of Oslo Library

Selected resources Econlit Bibliography from the American Economic Association. ISI Web of Science Citation database from about 12000 journals. World Bank...

Subject page for geosciences - University of Oslo Library

Go to Oria Contact Edina Pozer Subject specialist geosciences The Science Library Search the databases Web of Science. (Tidligere ISI Web of Knowledge...

Subject page for archaeology - University of Oslo Library

on the Middle ages (300 - 1500 AD) International bibliography of the social sciences (IBSS) Multi-disciplonary database. ISI Web of science Multi...

Subject page for British and American Studies - University of Oslo Library

an appointment with the subject specialist Selected resources Literature Online ISI Web of Knowledge MLA International Bibliography Literature Resource...

Subject page for political science - University of Oslo Library

chapters dating back to 1951. JSTOR JSTOR provides a wide range of content in a digital archive of academic journals and other scholarly content. ISI Web of...

Subject page for chemistry - University of Oslo Library

. Primærkjelder er tidsskrift (16500 titlar, blant dei er over 1200 Open Access), konferansar og patentar. Omfattar funksjonar for siteringssøk. ISI Web of Science...

Subject page for astrophysics - University of Oslo Library

database containg articles waiting to be published. ISI Web of knowledge - Web of science an academic citation indexing and search service. Its coverage...

Subject page for human geography - University of Oslo Library

Sciences - IBSS (Ovid) IBSS IBSS indexes about 2600 social science journals and 6000 books annually. ISI Web of Science Citation indexing of about 12000...

Brynjar Lia - Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages

organisations. This article offers a detailed empirical exploration of ISIS’ tribal policies in the mid-2010s. It argues that ISIS’ relative success in...

Services and prices - Department of Chemistry

scattering facilities such as the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL, Grenoble) and the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source (UK). Prices We have three different price...

Impact - University of Oslo Library

Scopus to calculate h-index Find the impact factor of a journal We recommend using ISI - Journal Citation Report . Read more about how to measure impact...

What explains why people join and leave far-right groups? - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

. [17] Bjørgo (1997). Having been involved with national socialist movement carries a heavier stigma than most other militant movements, although ISIS is...

What characterizes far-right “foreign fighters”? - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

phenomenon returned to prominence after 2011 and the (re)emergence of ISIS in Syria/Iraq which recruited and deployed so-called foreign terrorist fighters...

Fagside for samfunnsøkonomi - Universitetsbiblioteket

Economic Association sin store elektroniske bibliografi over alle typer samfunnsøkonomisk litteratur. ISI Web of Science Siteringsdatabase for utvalde...

Fagside for geofag - Universitetsbiblioteket

Edina Pózer Fagansvarlig i geofag Realfagsbiblioteket Fagets databaser Web of Science. (Tidligere ISI Web of Knowledge) Tverrfaglig, siteringsdatabase...

Fagside for engelsk språk, litteratur og områdestudier - Universitetsbiblioteket

fagansvarlig Søk i fagdatabaser Literature Online ISI Web of Science MLA International Bibliography Literature Resource Center Reference Information (Gale) ABELL...

Fagside for statsvitenskap - Universitetsbiblioteket

1989 til i dag. IBSS Tverrfaglig samfunnsvitenskapelig database med referanser til artikler og bøker. Utgivelser fra 1989 til i dag. ISI Web of Knowledge...

Fagside for kjemi - Universitetsbiblioteket

. Primærkjelder er tidsskrift (16500 titlar, blant dei er over 1200 Open Access), konferansar og patentar. Omfattar funksjonar for siteringssøk. ISI Web of Science...

Fagside for samfunnsgeografi - Universitetsbiblioteket

samfunnsvitskapelege tidsskrifter og 6000 bøker kvart år. Del av 12 baser for samfunnsfag. ISI Web of Science Siteringsdatabase for ca 12000 tidsskrifter innan...

Brynjar Lia - Institutt for kulturstudier og orientalske språk

for joining al-Qaida’s new umbrella organization in Iraq, the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) in 2006, and it paid no homage to AQI’s or ISI’s leaders. Also...