
Showing result 421–440 of 486 for «internship»

sak-10-24-evalnat_fi-rapport.pdf - Fysisk institutt

program, student internships and more. Later stage innovation projects will be supported by the Tech Transfer Office at the University of Oslo – Inven2, for...

wong-looi_seamlesslearning_2011.pdf - Kulturhistorisk museum

What seams do we remove in mobile-assisted seamless learning? A critical review of the literature Computers & Education 57 (2011) 2364–2381 Contents l...

2023-collected-final.pdf - CCSE

Center for Computing in Science Education Center for Computing in Science Education Annual report 2023 Annual Report 2023 0 Summary The Center for Com

ibv_rapport_fra_eksternt_panel_2023.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

students to make these connections beyond the classroom. A formal structure to support work-practice (“internships”) would address some of the work- life...

laglivlab_felleskollokvium.pdf - Fysisk institutt

○ Research internship @ NBI Morten the saviour Challenges? ● Experiments are never easy! ○ Cells die if...

soknad-tamas-bisztray--255352.pdf - Department of Informatics

Søknad 255352 - Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Secutiry and Risk Management for 5G Networks (Ref. 2023/26734) PERSONALIA SØKNAD UTDANNING / AKADEMISK...

2019–21.pdf - Department of Informatics

achieving an SFI in digitalisation; • establish bachelor’s and master’s courses that provide increased opportunities for internships and tasks with external...

course-evaluation-humr4504---student-advocacy-seminars-spring-2021-rapport---nettskjema.pdf - Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter

fordelt på antall 1 2 3 4 5 Very reasonable Is the workload in the Student-Advocacy Seminars, together with the Internship reasonable (1- 5 very reasonable...

advocacy-report-humr-4504-marfa-rabkova-and-yahor-kanetski-(003).pdf - Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter

Microsoft Word - Advocacy Report HUMR 4504 Marfa Rabkova and Yahor Kanetski.docx 2 TABLE OF CONTENT BACKGROUND 3 Case summaries 6 Belarus: The Politic

sv-fak-ferdig-presentasjon-en-desember-2023.pptx - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

kapforHvit, gronn addin_background addin_colorpicker 15 Internship - work life experience - resources - network Active learning - learn to learn - relevance to...

sv-fak-ferdig-presentasjon-en-oktober-2023.pptx - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

, SV, UIO kapforHvit, gronn addin_background addin_colorpicker 15 Internship - work life experience - resources - network Active learning - learn to...

ent-publikasjoner-2012-2022.xlsx - Department of Informatics

/JSBED-03-2014-0052 Birthe Soppe(**), Christian Lechner, Michael Dowling 1126529 2014 CHAPTERACADEMIC 2 Global start-up internships as a source of...

humain.pdf - Det humanistiske fakultet

offer student internships dedicated to speculative AI futures and collaborate with the research group for artistic research at Kristiania to develop the...

why-design-fiction-.pdf – Universitetet i Oslo

&utm_source=pdf-export 2022 Summer Internship at Otovo

170620-academic-dugnad-report.pdf – University of Oslo

) shall ensure that refugees are given a real chance to participate in Norwegian society through language classes, cultural training and internships. The...

cv-lovgren.pdf - Økonomisk institutt

, Department of Economics (University of Oslo) Internship Summer 2022 Oslo Economics 1 Project...

erasmus+-intern-au-spring-2024.pdf - Det humanistiske fakultet

Internship at the International Office Aarhus University, Denmark The International Office at Aarhus University (AU) is seeking an Erasmus+ intern...

saptrashi.pdf - Department of Informatics

The genus of information infrastructures - architecture, governance and praxis-Final.pdf The Genus of Information Infrastructures: Architecture, Gover

2023-12-06-is-d-sak-b-ekstern-evalueringsrapport.pdf - Institutt for arkeologi, konservering og historie

hand, it should also be noted that the study program and internship opportunities could potentially Roosa Helala 2 November 2023 3 positive development...

booklet_uio_erasmus+-projects_juni23.pdf – For ansatte – Universitetet i Oslo

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