
Showing result 61–75 of 75 for «internship»

NORA receives funding for National AI Research School

, workshops, internships, start-up activities and innovation projects. Empowering students by giving them responsibilities to organise technical tutorials and...

Creating Now the University of Tomorrow – Looking Back to Move Ahead with Circle U. and the Alliances

internships, access to mobilty, student services. After 2 years as Board member representing french students and one year as member of the executive committee...

Field mission #9 – Final visit: the Aarhus Summer University, a window on the world

coming semester, as they usually go abroad or do internships. They also participate to gain cultural and social experiences. For them, Summer University...

InnovEd4TS Field Mission #2 “IngénieuxSud” meets at UCLouvain

actors. Then, they carry out a one-month internship in the field during summer to implement, together, the envisaged solutions. IngénieuxSud contributes to...

Jonathan Weitzman, Université Paris Cité

Genetics and Epigenetics abroad for a long research internship in a foreign laboratory. It is always exciting to watch how this international experience...


in the alliance. The priorities are a starting point, and they do not exclude the development of other formats. Internships. e.g. for research, are...

dln-annual-report-2023.pdf - Digital Life Norway

to transcend their disciplines with work in precision medicine and arctic farming. Our fourth year of the popular PhD industry internship program...

dln-annual-report-2023_22.3.pdf - Digital Life Norway

to transcend their disciplines with work in precision medicine and arctic farming. Our fourth year of the popular PhD industry internship program...

wong-looi_seamlesslearning_2011.pdf - Kulturhistorisk museum

What seams do we remove in mobile-assisted seamless learning? A critical review of the literature Computers & Education 57 (2011) 2364–2381 Contents l...


and prosperous. 2 WHAT DO WE OFFER? Circle U. is offering a unique internship opportunity for master's students enrolled at or recently graduated from...

include-annual-report-2023.pdf - Centre for Development and the Environment

Include Annual Report 2023 Annual Report 2023 Include Annual Report 2023 Vision Society urgently needs solutions for energy transition that will prote

include-annual-report-2022.pdf - Centre for Development and the Environment

Include Annual Report 2022 Annual Report 2022 Include Annual Report 2022 Vision Society urgently needs solutions that will protect the environment and


factors might be of crucial importance: activities that include establishing a European network, learn to work in an international environment, internship...


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101035814 FIRST F


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme under grant agreement No. 101004062. The content of this document repre