
Showing result 1–20 of 21 for «special tasks»

Thomas Clausen - Institutt for klinisk medisin

special protocols for COVID-19 cases (95.7%, n = 22), increased use of telephone- (91.3%, n = 21) and video consultations (87.0%, n = 20), and longer take...

Nanna Lien - Institutt for medisinske basalfag

varied in the bitter component theobromine from cocoa and sucrose content. Each year, the children also performed paired-comparison tasks opposing plain...

Koen Gerard Alois Vervaeke - Institutt for medisinske basalfag

special interest in how dendrites integrate these two input streams. We are a multidisciplinary lab that combines experiments and computational modeling...

Trygve Brauns Leergaard - Institutt for medisinske basalfag

Brauns (2016). Observations on hippocampal mossy cells in mink (Neovison vison) with special reference to dendrites ascending to the granular and molecular...

Ole Henning Skjønsberg - Institutt for klinisk medisin

subfractions of fibrinogen.With special emphasis on fibrinogen quantification, viscicity and inflammation. Unipub forlag . Christensen, Carl C. & Skjønsberg, Ole...

Lars Mehlum - Institutt for klinisk medisin

, naturally reflecting the core tasks of the services, confirming that they represents an important area for interventions that aim to reduce self-harming...

Terje P. Hagen - Institutt for helse og samfunn

[Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2023). Advancing and Inspiring Health Economics: A Special Issue in Honor of Tor Iversen . Nordic Journal of...

arsmelding_allmed_2023-v2.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

Årsmelding 2023 Avdeling for allmennmedisin, Institutt for helse og samfunn, UiO Avdeling for allmennmedisin, UiO *** Avdelingsleder førsteamanuensis

allmennmedisin_arsmelding_2023.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

Årsmelding 2023 Avdeling for allmennmedisin, Institutt for helse og samfunn, UiO Avdeling for allmennmedisin, UiO *** Avdelingsleder førsteamanuensis

cvjhsolbakkmarch2024.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

Ethics or Fictitious Facts? [Guest Editorial). Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. Special Section: Empirical Ethics, 2012, 21, 419–423. 26. Solbakk...

norment-final-report-2013-2023-single-pages.pdf - NORMENT

NORMENT Final Report 2013 - 2023 Leader's Comments 5 Greetings from the NORMENT Partners 7 Vision Statement 12 Scientific Aims 13 Scientific Highlight...

norment-final-report-2013-2023.pdf - NORMENT

NORMENT Final Report 2013 - 2023 Leader's Comments 5 Greetings from the NORMENT Partners 7 Vision Statement 12 Scientific Aims 13 Scientific Highlight...

rapport_midtveisevaluering_2020_final.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

funded by thematic programmes. The task of the evaluation panel has been to: 1) assess the quality and success of the eleven research schools in relation...

barriers-and-facilitators-to-family-involvement_hansson-et-al.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

themes regarding special topics of interest. The organising phase consisted of coding and categoris- ing the material, guided by the research question. Ini...

guidelines_sensorveiledning_heval5130_2023.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

other statistical programs. Special requirements and evaluation criteria: All reports MUST include the following sections (sub-sections may vary by exam...

aarsmelding-nvr-2022.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

/ 16 • Epilepsy Education Task Force, Botanical Medicines Task Force and Pediatric treatment task force, all initiated by the International League...

orthopedic-research-group-annual-report-2022.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

adviser - research Johanna A. Gjestland Special adviser - research The research committes main tasks: • Develop the department´s research strategy...

sakskart-til-fakultetsstyremote-260923.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

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36-23-vedlegg-5-forskningsradet-invitasjon-evalmedhelse.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

of the five criteria. Please also provide recommendations for improvement. We ask you to pay special attention to the following [n] aspects in your...

17-01-the-handling-and-storage-of-drugs-in-prescription-class-a.pdf - Institutt for medisinske basalfag

The member of staff with special screening responsibility (PMSK) checks that the drugs in prescription class A correspond with FOTS. 4.3 The PMSK orders...