
Showing result 61–80 of 93 for «internship»

NORA receives funding for National AI Research School

, workshops, internships, start-up activities and innovation projects. Empowering students by giving them responsibilities to organise technical tutorials and...

Creating Now the University of Tomorrow – Looking Back to Move Ahead with Circle U. and the Alliances

internships, access to mobilty, student services. After 2 years as Board member representing french students and one year as member of the executive committee...

Field mission #9 – Final visit: the Aarhus Summer University, a window on the world

coming semester, as they usually go abroad or do internships. They also participate to gain cultural and social experiences. For them, Summer University...

InnovEd4TS Field Mission #2 “IngénieuxSud” meets at UCLouvain

actors. Then, they carry out a one-month internship in the field during summer to implement, together, the envisaged solutions. IngénieuxSud contributes to...

Jonathan Weitzman, Université Paris Cité

Genetics and Epigenetics abroad for a long research internship in a foreign laboratory. It is always exciting to watch how this international experience...


in the alliance. The priorities are a starting point, and they do not exclude the development of other formats. Internships. e.g. for research, are...

dln-annual-report-2023.pdf - Digital Life Norway

to transcend their disciplines with work in precision medicine and arctic farming. Our fourth year of the popular PhD industry internship program...

dln-annual-report-2023_22.3.pdf - Digital Life Norway

to transcend their disciplines with work in precision medicine and arctic farming. Our fourth year of the popular PhD industry internship program...

wong-looi_seamlesslearning_2011.pdf - Kulturhistorisk museum

What seams do we remove in mobile-assisted seamless learning? A critical review of the literature Computers & Education 57 (2011) 2364–2381 Contents l...

Elektronikk-student fikk NASA-internship

Elektronikk-student fikk NASA-internship – Det er en drøm som har gått i oppfyllelse, sier Simen E. Sørensen. I januar drar han til NASAs

Internship for realfags- og teknologistudenter ved UiO

Internship for realfags- og teknologistudenter ved UiO Internship for realfags- og teknologistudenter ved UiO Av Solveig Kristensen og Kristin Vinje...

News and events - AtLAST

, 2023 3:22 PM AtLAST´s latest design concept is now public Aug. 24, 2023 11:43 AM Summer internships on renewable energy systems for AtLAST Aug. 15, 2023...

Johanne Rokke Elvebakken - Senter for tverrfaglig kjønnsforskning

Elvebakken et internship i tankesmia Democracy for Development (D4D) i Prishtina, Kosovo. Utdanning 2015-2017: Mastergrad i internasjonale relasjoner fra...

Fra én ende av matfatet til den andre - Senter for utvikling og miljø

nemlig fått et internship på det nordiske kontoret til World Food Programme i København, og skal de neste månedene jobbe med å kommunisere det viktige...

Fra én ende av matfatet til den andre - Centre for Development and the Environment

nemlig fått et internship på det nordiske kontoret til World Food Programme i København, og skal de neste månedene jobbe med å kommunisere det viktige...


and prosperous. 2 WHAT DO WE OFFER? Circle U. is offering a unique internship opportunity for master's students enrolled at or recently graduated from...

December newsletter Digital Life Norway Research School - Digital Life Norway

, industry internship, and more) taking place in the months to come. Published Dec. 21, 2023 2:42 PM - Last modified Dec. 21, 2023 2:42 PM E-mail this page...

October/November newsletter Digital Life Norway Research School - Digital Life Norway

(DLN mini-MBA, industry internship, and more) taking place in the months to come. Published Nov. 13, 2023 2:47 PM - Last modified Nov. 13, 2023 2:47 PM E...

Realister og teknologer erobrer helsesektoren

(”internship”), enten alene eller i grupper på tre-fire studenter. Vi er i dialog med helseklyngen Oslo Medtech for å konstruere et slikt opplegg...

Med blikket mot 2030...

hos bedrift (internship) osv. Videre blir vår utdanning ”fulldigitalisert”: i den forstand at digital kompetanse (merk at digital kompetanse er mye mer...