
Showing result 541–560 of 576 for «internship»

egenevalueringsrapport2014.pdf – Peace and Conflict Studies (master's 2-years) – University of Oslo

, weeks 10–16, whereas HIS4011 spans the weeks 3–19. The final 10 credits are open. This slot is commonly used for PECOS4006, a 10 credit internship ‘course...

volur---uio.pdf – STK-MAT2011 - Spring 2021 – Universitetet i Oslo

the same available data material, we would like help to improve the accuracy and scope of those forecasts with machine learning algorithms. INTERNSHIP...

referat-mitra-programme-council-21-october-2019.pdf – Modern International and Transnational History – University of Oslo

History Project, and twelve are placed out on internships. We gave 27 offers for MITRA3 (class of 2019), and now have 25 students. Out of these, 11 are...

norhed-ii---budget-guidelines.pdf – For employees – University of Oslo

Staff and student mobility including internship: Staff and students at partner institutions in the South, as well as public sector employees, can be...

norhed-ii---budget-guidelines.pdf – For employees – University of Oslo

Staff and student mobility including internship: Staff and students at partner institutions in the South, as well as public sector employees, can be...

norhed-ii-programme-document.pdf – For employees – University of Oslo

review of curriculum, internships and cooperation with external actors in Research and Development (R&D) can create foundation for long-term mutual...

arsrapport--2019_hepma.pdf – Health Economics, Policy, and Management (master's 2-years) – University of Oslo

garantere for at alle studenter som velger HMAN4230 (Internship) skal få innvilget plass. Erasmus studentene som avlegger studiepoeng ved vår avdeling har...

entrepreneurship-at-uio---infoweek-2019.pdf – Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (master's 2-years) – University of Oslo

-finansiering/forskningsorganisasjoner/studententreprenorskap-stud-ent/ INTERNSHIP NETWORKING AND NEW BFF’SSTUDY ENTREPRENEURSHIP...

informasjonspakke-2020-(002).pdf – HUMR4504 - Spring 2020 – Universitetet i Oslo

1 HUMR4504 HUMAN RIGHTS IN PRACTICE Internship Programme 2020 For the purposes of HUMR4504, there are three categories of internships:  One, pre...

sensorveiledning-sum4910.pdf – Universitetet i Oslo

Høst 2018 Sensorveiledning SUM4910 - Internship SUM4910 har ikke ordinær undervisning, men baserer seg på et opplegg der studenten oppholder seg 6...

periodic-course-evaluation-hgo4203-2018.pdf – Human Geography (master's two years) – University of Oslo

, planning and co- creation, global, national and local). The course offers two study options. There is an internship-based option, available only for students...

sensorveiledning-hgo4203-var-2019.pdf – Universitetet i Oslo

course coordinator and the internship host (if the student has chosen an internship option) Description of course: This course aims to explore challenges...

sum4910_periodisk-evaluering_v18.pdf – Universitetet i Oslo

Utkast til det som kan bli mal for Periodisk emnerapport: SUM4910 – Internship, våren 2018 Emneansvarlig: Ulrikke Wethal Innledning Periodiske

minutes-mitra-programme-council-october-10-2018-(1).pdf – Modern International and Transnational History – University of Oslo

& MITRA4450: Internship and History Project Student Advisor Ragnar Holst Larsen addressed the council about the status for the internship course MITRA4400 and...

englang-lamuso-h18.pdf – English Language and Linguistics (programme option) – University of Oslo

. semester Master's thesis in Louvain including a colloquium 3. semester Catholic University of Louvain 2. semester ENG4910 - Internship for Linguistics and...

ln4-stereotypes.pdf – ECON9260 - Vår 2019 – Universitetet i Oslo

-2016). • Primary experiment: Questionnaire about job preferences to support summer internship placements (important for future jobs) at first day of MBA...

englang-lamuso-h18.pdf – Linguistics and its Applications for a Multilingual Society (master's two years) – University of Oslo

. semester Master's thesis in Louvain including a colloquium 3. semester Catholic University of Louvain 2. semester ENG4910 - Internship for Linguistics and...

2019-ent4360---syllabus-181219.pdf – ENT4360 - Vår 2019 – Universitetet i Oslo

together with the company team in StartupLab throughout the internship period. It is not allowed for internship students to work remotely. Course outline The...

external-periodic-programme-evaluation-of-the-master-programme-in-international-community-health-31.10.17.pdf – International Community Health (master's 2-years) – University of Oslo

fieldwork the programme could look into other possibilities like coursework or internships. 2.1.3. Return to home country after completion There are no...

minutes-mitra-programme-council-31-october-2017.pdf – Modern International and Transnational History – University of Oslo

students should be welcomed. 5/17 MITRA4400 & MITRA4450: Status for the Internship and History Project (see course descriptions online) Student Advisor...