
Showing result 41–45 of 45 for «internships»

the-heritage-experience-soknad-samlet.pdf - Det humanistiske fakultet

have so far taken the form of practice-based teaching courses, 1 MA students’ internships, 2 collaborative research projects, 3 sharing of competences 4...

relpol-soknad-samlet.pdf - Det humanistiske fakultet

semester will consist of (a) an internship (at a Norwegian embassy or a NGO), 13 See and 14 From 2017...

image-internship_2016.pdf - Senter for teknologi, innovasjon og kultur

IMAGE-Internship_2016 Call for Candidates Internship Sociotechnical analysis of the innovation challenges regarding animal genetic resources

2017-06-14-is-sak-15--soknader-samlet.pdf - Institutt for arkeologi, konservering og historie

engage students who come together from different humanities disciplines. Furthermore, OEH will support both students who wish to do internships in relation...

studyandlabour.pdf - Senter for teknologi, innovasjon og kultur

skills of international accounting graduates: Internship providers’ perspectives", Education + Training, Vol. 57 Iss 7 pp. 757-773