
Showing result 61–80 of 108 for «internships»

NCMM Alumni: Kjetil Taskén - NCMM - Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway

hospital training internships, I was awarded a postdoc grant from the Norwegian Cancer Society. This meant postponing my general practice (GP) internship so...

Excellent research, nature, and work-life balance - Faculty of Medicine

Sciences and masters in Oncology at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. Scientia fellow Frans Suurs “During my masters I did an internship at the biotech...

member-booklet.pdf - Institute of Health and Society

Member Booklet WGH Women in Global Health Norway Members 2023 Women in Global Health (WGH) Norway is pleased to present its Member Booklet, which high

norpart-comenth-annual-report-2021.pdf - Institute of Clinical Medicine

NORPART-2018/10039 Page 1 (34) Submitted - 30-May-2022 NORPART 2018 - Annual Report 2021 1. Project info Project number NORPART-2018/10039 Project tit...

Welcome to: Harold Gutch and Pavel Kopcil - NCMM - Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway

of CRISPR/Cas9 - edited cell lines to decipher roles of 2 different genes, RASAL3 and CD20 , respectively. As part of an ERASMUS+ Internship at the...

UiO signs cooperation agreement with Roche - Faculty of Medicine

medicine and health science students to work summer jobs in Roche’s top communities. Read more about the internship here (Norwegian). In the future, Roche...

Permit to attend further studies after failing an examination - Faculty of Medicine

appealed examination grade is that the student fails the examination. Special considerations in connection with internships/placements A student who fails...

Publications - Institute of Basic Medical Sciences

relative importance of individual and organizational factors for the prevention of job stress during internship: a nationwide and prospective study. Medical...

ncmm-april-newsletter-2022.pdf - NCMM - Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway

group to do an internship where she is working on the expression and the activity of the Adenosine Deaminase 2 (ADA2), under the effect of different ADA2...

jasmeetsinghnarota_reflection-note_to-accept-the-unacceptable.docx - Det medisinske fakultet

for even internship as all the boarders are closed, I cannot even go back to my own country as my country as not accepting flights as the government...

anamarcano_reflective-note.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

internship, disregarding that I don’t speak Norwegian. If only there was some sort of web-page where I could find those kinds of positions tailored to...

soknad-sfu-she.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

Labs for teaching anatomy & radiology. Complementary are real life training experiences trough placements & internships e.g. governmental organizations...

Guest lecture - Milos Ikonomovic - Institute of Clinical Medicine

University of Nis School of Medicine, Yugoslavia, in 1988, and completed clinical internship in 1989. During 1990-91 he was a Visiting Lecturer in the...

Disputas: Humberto Muquingue - Institutt for helse og samfunn

rural sociology (the one compounded by the way of life, expectations and realities of district communities) they face in the rural internship. This lens...

CV_publications_ML011118.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

, Norway 2007-2009 Internships: Department of Oncology, St. Olavs Hospital; Telemark Hospital; Nome municipality, all in Norway GRANTS AND AWARDS Grants 2017...

cv_michael_-bretthauer.doc - Institutt for helse og samfunn

, Telemark Hospital, February-July 1998 · Internship Telemark Hospital, Skien, Norway, January 1997-January 1998 Research positions · Full (tenured) Professor...

cv-atle-klovning-2011.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

Vestlandsheimen (14 months) 15.07.90-15.01.91 District internship, Finnøy kommune (6 months) Dr. Atle Klovning, MD, PhD, Specialist in General Practice/Family...

cv-atle-klovning-2011.pdf - Institute of Health and Society

Vestlandsheimen (14 months) 15.07.90-15.01.91 District internship, Finnøy kommune (6 months) Dr. Atle Klovning, MD, PhD, Specialist in General Practice/Family...

aarsrapport_2011.pdf - Institute of Clinical Medicine

1 The research work in the Institute for Surgical Research has progressed very well during the year 2011. This annual report gives a comprehensive ove

nopsc-annual-report-2011.pdf - Institute of Clinical Medicine

President of Russian Federation for excel- lence in research and studies. After completing internship he proceded with a Ph.D. fellowship in molecular...