
Showing result 81–100 of 256 for «internship»

internship-report-form.doc – HUMR4504 - Spring 2013 – Universitetet i Oslo

) Effective Contact at Partner (and email) Official Requirements for Course : "Students who undertake an internship should write an internship report of maximum...

internship-application-form..doc – HUMR4504 - Spring 2013 – Universitetet i Oslo

Internship Application HUMR 4504 Human Rights Practice (Maximum two pages) Student Contact Information Name Street Address Postcode/Town Home Phone...

internship-report-form-2015.doc – HUMR4504 - Spring 2015 – Universitetet i Oslo

) Effective Contact at Partner (and email) Official Requirements for Course : “Students who undertake an internship should write an internship report of maximum...

Internship Advertisement 2008-Final.pdf – Journalistikk (master - to år) – Universitetet i Oslo

Internship Advertisement 2008-Final.doc ANNOUNCEMENT UNICEF INDIA INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME 28 May – 5 August 2008 Background UNICEF India Country Office...

internship-application-form-2.doc – HUMR4504 - Spring 2013 – Universitetet i Oslo

Internship Application HUMR 4504 Human Rights Practice (Maximum two pages) Student Contact Information Name Street Address Postcode/Town Home Phone...

internship-application-form-v13.doc – HUMR4504 - Spring 2013 – Universitetet i Oslo

Internship Application HUMR 4504 Human Rights Practice (Maximum two pages) Student Contact Information Name Street Address Postcode/Town Home Phone...

internship-application-form-v13.docx – HUMR4504 - Spring 2013 – Universitetet i Oslo

Internship Application HUMR 4504 Human Rights Practice (Maximum two pages) Student Contact Information Name Street Address Postcode/Town Home Phone...

Internship plan 06.doc – HME4205 - Autumn 2006 – Universitetet i Oslo

Health Economics, Policy and Management HME4205 – Internship Fall semester 2006 Auditorium: XX Time: Fridays from 10:15 to 12:00, starting the 18th of...

Practical Innovation Management Internship process.ppt – ENT4210 - Spring 2007 – Universitetet i Oslo

Practical Innovation Management Internship Practical Innovation Management Internship Approach and process PIM-internships Use knowledge gathered in...

ENT 4410 practice internship handout.doc – ENT4210 - Spring 2007 – Universitetet i Oslo

the problem. In the end the student reports to the course teacher by means of a term paper. It is important that that internship is problem oriented...

ENT4220 – Norwegian Practical Start-up Experience – University of Oslo

. Learning outcome During the three months internship programme, students will acquire knowledge about business practices and entrepreneurial thinking, and...

external_-_internal_evaluation_reports_for_master_program_in_renewable_energy_systems_at_its.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

, when they form a more precise idea of their interest, and sometime after summer internships at partner institutions (either research institutes such as...

EY's guest lecture and open positions – STK4500 - Spring 2022 – Universitetet i Oslo

positions in the industry, and the more soft skills like communication, project leadership and core consulting skills. The second is a internship for students...

Some interesting news! – STK4500 - Spring 2021 – Universitetet i Oslo

a summer internship possibility for our math finance/energy students, please see PROJECT 4

Exam: Time and place for PSYM4800 – Autumn 2022 – University of Oslo

Exam: Time and place for PSYM4800 – Autumn 2022 – University of Oslo Examination: Time and place Examination Internship report. Examination system...

contract_sai_internship_s20.docx – Universitetet i Oslo

AGREEMENT BETWEEN Master’s Programme in Social Anthropology (SAI), UNIVERSITY OF OSLO and Name of organization 1. SAI and NAME OF ORGANIZATION hereby

UV9918V3 – Reviewing the Literature: Situating your Study in the Field – University of Oslo

student teachers’ and mentors’ discourse in internship. Chapter 2 Prøitz, T. (2014). Conceptualisations of learning outcomes in education – an explorative...

supervision-agreement-for-internship.doc – PSY4340 - Høst 2018 – Universitetet i Oslo


PECOS4031 – Thesis seminar 1, history track – University of Oslo

Internship . You will find information regarding how to apply for a supervisor here Learning outcome The aim of the last part of the master study is to help...

Specs2Transform: from the specification of semantic annotations of tabular data to ETL pipelines for big data - Institutt for informatikk

framework based on linking During the internship, the student will focus on one or more of the above mentioned problems, based on project priorities and the...