
Showing result 1–9 of 9 for «internship»

Summer students worked on topics related to the AtLAST project - Institutt for teknologisystemer

internships related to renewable energy, allowed Simone Milani, Zhihao Liu and Johan Fredrik Agerup to be temporarily part of the AtLAST research team. Full...

external_-_internal_evaluation_reports_for_master_program_in_renewable_energy_systems_at_its.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

, when they form a more precise idea of their interest, and sometime after summer internships at partner institutions (either research institutes such as...

sak-10-24-evalnat_fi-rapport.pdf - Fysisk institutt

program, student internships and more. Later stage innovation projects will be supported by the Tech Transfer Office at the University of Oslo – Inven2, for...

2023-collected-final.pdf - CCSE

Center for Computing in Science Education Center for Computing in Science Education Annual report 2023 Annual Report 2023 0 Summary The Center for Com

ibv_rapport_fra_eksternt_panel_2023.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

students to make these connections beyond the classroom. A formal structure to support work-practice (“internships”) would address some of the work- life...

o-sak-10-20-senter-for-data-sciense-and-computing.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

contacts (research collaboration, student internships). The proposed organization will also influence our study programs. The creation of a coherent set of...

sak-21-19-centre-for-data-science-and-computing..pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

contacts (research collaboration, student internships). The proposed organization will also influence our study programs. The creation of a coherent set of...

university-of-oslo_ccse.pdf - CCSE

curriculum development, strategy processes, and quality systems. They develop CSE learning material and extend the use of CSE through summer internships...

ibv-annual-report-2015.pdf - Institutt for biovitenskap

2015 ANNUAL REPORT DEPARTMENT OF BIOSCIENCES 2 The research focus of the Department of Biosciences is to understand fundamental bi- ological processes