
Showing result 1–20 of 188 for «internship»

Internship in Geoscience - Department of Geosciences

Internship in Geoscience Agreements at the Department of Geosciences that concerns internship in GEO4042/9042. Permaintern

Internship with the Norwegian Meteorological Institute - Institutt for geofag

Internship with the Norwegian Meteorological Institute Taking the first steps into the professional world at first appears a large endeavour. There...

Internship Brazil summer 2018 - Department of Informatics

Internship Brazil summer 2018 Two scholarships for up to three months for undertaking summer internships in companies i Porto Alegre in Brazil summer...

Daniel Leunbach - Department of Informatics

internships as a source of experiential learning. In Fayolle, Alain & Redford, Dana T. (Ed.), Handbook on the Entrepreneurial University. Edward Elgar...

Verena Mertes industrial internship at Articzymes technologies - Department of Pharmacy

Verena Mertes industrial internship at Articzymes technologies MicroPath PhD candidate Verena Mertes participate in a three months internship at the...

Project News - Department of Biosciences

. Presenting his final poster as part of the research internship course , Mikkel described his study plans on improving species detection through the separation...

Nhung Trinh - Department of Pharmacy

Statistics and Quantitative Methods, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy Master internships I have several master projects in pharmacoepidemiology and drug...

MISC - Microbial Surface Colonization - Department of Biosciences

(2021). The exchange program MISC - Options for internships at the University of Oslo (with descriptions of current projects). Fan, Enguo & Linke, Dirk...

Student-driven activities - CCSE

activities for bachelor students supporting student internships in research and industry Published Nov. 28, 2016 11:55 AM - Last modified Jan. 25, 2024 8:47 PM...

Malgorzata Skorupska - Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology (SMN)

passage of microscopic fungi through polymer membranes doped with carbon material Foreign internships Research internship, Department of Chemistry...

Tor Rolfsen Grønsund - Department of Informatics

internships with startups in tech hubs such as San Francisco / Silicon Valley, Boston, and Toronto. I also contribute to continuing education on technology and...

Ole Andreas Løchen Økstad - Department of Pharmacy

internships at the University of Oslo (with descriptions of current projects). Liskiewicz, Krystyna Anna; Sunde, Pia Titterud; Verket, Anders; Økstad, Ole...

Sreeshyam Vadake Adat - Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology (SMN)

- 2023 Nov - Research Internship - Graduate Institute of Photonics, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan 2021 Jul- 2022 Jul - Master's Thesis...

Paiman Shafabakhsh - Department of Geosciences

2020 (Jan-July): Internship at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Strasbourg, France Education: 2021-Present: Ph.D. on Fluid Flow in...

Elise Wright Knutsen - Department of Technology Systems

. Undervisning TEK5720 Prosjekt innen romsystemer Bakgrunn 2017 Bachelor i fysikk, NTNU 2019 Master i fysikk, NTNU 2020 Researcher, NASA 2021 Internship, ESA 2023...

Nazeefa Fatima - Department of Informatics

Council Internship Program: Expanding computational biology capacity worldwide | Published: January 2018 | Click here to read the article Published June 10...

Truls Erikson - Department of Informatics

). Global start-up internships as a source of experiential learning. In Fayolle, Alain & Redford, Dana T. (Ed.), Handbook on the Entrepreneurial University...

Research Supervision - Department of Physics

grain growth in one and two dimension Kristin Myhra (2009-2011) MSc thesis A phase field crystal study of freezing and melting Internships Marie Scheid...

The Student Association for Pharmaceutical Innovation (SFI) - Department of Pharmacy

to know more about ShareLab and access to the lab bench, do not hesitate to contact us for an informal conversation with our board. Student Internship...

Update from Sebjørn - Institutt for geofag

make sure we were on subject, and gave our interpretations of the data. One aspect of internship we only realized after the fact was that our conclusions...