
Showing result 1–20 of 45 for «internships»

From theory to practical problem solving in cooperation with KD - Institutt for statsvitenskap

through highlighting possibilities for exchanges abroad through the ERASMUS scheme and the inclusion of obligatory internships in middle school. Vidar...

Summer students worked on topics related to the AtLAST project - Institutt for teknologisystemer

internships related to renewable energy, allowed Simone Milani, Zhihao Liu and Johan Fredrik Agerup to be temporarily part of the AtLAST research team. Full...

sv-fak-ferdig-presentasjon-july-2024-en.pptx - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

addin_colorpicker 13 Internship - work life experience - resources - network Active learning - learn to learn - relevance to working life Career competence...

external_-_internal_evaluation_reports_for_master_program_in_renewable_energy_systems_at_its.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

, when they form a more precise idea of their interest, and sometime after summer internships at partner institutions (either research institutes such as...

Aktuelt - Institutt for klinisk odontologi

academia and industry. This hangout is a collaboration with Health2B and Norway Health Tech and focus on health technology. Internship 2024: Info meeting for...

sv-fak-ferdig-presentasjon-en-januar-2024.pptx - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

arbeidslivsrelevante studier, 2021, SV, UIO kapforHvit, gronn addin_background addin_colorpicker 15 Internship - work life experience - resources - network Active...

sak-10-24-evalnat_fi-rapport.pdf - Fysisk institutt

program, student internships and more. Later stage innovation projects will be supported by the Tech Transfer Office at the University of Oslo – Inven2, for...

wong-looi_seamlesslearning_2011.pdf - Kulturhistorisk museum

What seams do we remove in mobile-assisted seamless learning? A critical review of the literature Computers & Education 57 (2011) 2364–2381 Contents l...

2023-collected-final.pdf - CCSE

Center for Computing in Science Education Center for Computing in Science Education Annual report 2023 Annual Report 2023 0 Summary The Center for Com

ibv_rapport_fra_eksternt_panel_2023.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

students to make these connections beyond the classroom. A formal structure to support work-practice (“internships”) would address some of the work- life...

hgo-internship-info-meeting-h23.pptx - Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi

PowerPoint Presentation Information Meeting on HGO Internship Master’s Programme in Human Geography Department of Sociology and Human Geography

course-evaluation-humr4504---student-advocacy-seminars-spring-2021-rapport---nettskjema.pdf - Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter

fordelt på antall 1 2 3 4 5 Very reasonable Is the workload in the Student-Advocacy Seminars, together with the Internship reasonable (1- 5 very reasonable...

advocacy-report-humr-4504-marfa-rabkova-and-yahor-kanetski-(003).pdf - Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter

Microsoft Word - Advocacy Report HUMR 4504 Marfa Rabkova and Yahor Kanetski.docx 2 TABLE OF CONTENT BACKGROUND 3 Case summaries 6 Belarus: The Politic

sv-fak-ferdig-presentasjon-en-desember-2023.pptx - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

kapforHvit, gronn addin_background addin_colorpicker 15 Internship - work life experience - resources - network Active learning - learn to learn - relevance to...

sv-fak-ferdig-presentasjon-en-oktober-2023.pptx - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

, SV, UIO kapforHvit, gronn addin_background addin_colorpicker 15 Internship - work life experience - resources - network Active learning - learn to...

Rhonda Moore - Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier

semester-long internship at a particular company. (By the way, Speed Mentoring is like Speed Dating. To illustrate, every 10 minutes, students switch tables...

course-description-hgo4020-hgo-internship-for-approval-13-sept.docx - Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi

For approval - 13 September 2023 Course description for HGO4020 – HGO Internship HGO4020 builds on our experience with HGO4203. The internship opens...

course-description-hgo4020-hgo-internship-for-approval-13-sept.docx - Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi

For approval - 13 September 2023 Course description for HGO4020 – HGO Internship HGO4020 builds on our experience with HGO4203. The internship opens...

humain.pdf - Det humanistiske fakultet

offer student internships dedicated to speculative AI futures and collaborate with the research group for artistic research at Kristiania to develop the...

2023-12-06-is-d-sak-b-ekstern-evalueringsrapport.pdf - Institutt for arkeologi, konservering og historie

hand, it should also be noted that the study program and internship opportunities could potentially Roosa Helala 2 November 2023 3 positive development...